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"i Spy" - Checking up on a specific user

By Rich Loeber

For some reason, my career in Information Technology frequently included responsibility for the company telephone system. Oftentimes, I would end up with a department head closeting himself in my office to obtain a report of telephone activity for an employee that they suspected of some malfeasance. Most of the time when this came up, I had the luxury of having the data already collected in a call accounting software package and could just run a report and send the department head on their way.

In this day of heightened security consciousness, I can fully expect to see this scenario played out with data access as the expressed concern of this same department head. Unfortunately, software for full implementation of security reporting can be very pricey. But, if you just want to check up on someone, the IBM i has very good auditing capabilities that you can use down to the individual user level. And, you can do this without a major headache. You can target a specific user and leave the others out of it.

Setting Up Security Journaling

The IBM i OS lets you track a lot of different system security events and you can explore all of these in the OS Security Reference manual. For our purposes, however, all we're looking at it how to set up security auditing for an individual user.

If you have already used audit journaling, you can skip to the next heading in this tip.

To start security audit journaling, you can use the IBM i CHGSECAUD. For our purposes, you can use the following command:


If your audit journal does not exist, this command will set up the journal receiver and create the system audit journal. Two system values will also be updated.

Journaling Your User

Now to start tracking your suspicious user. First, you'll want to start auditing for the specific user. You can do this with the following command:


You should key in this command and prompt it to see if there are additional events that you want to track in the AUDLVL parameter. You should probably include *CREATE and *DELETE options at a minimum.

The final step in your setup is to specify user audit tracking for the set of objects that you want to track for this user. You can do this with the CHGOBJAUD command. For user profile audit journaling to work, the objects must be set to OBJAUD(*USRPRF).

Viewing the Audit Information

Once you have the audit journal active, you can view the tracking information on-line using the following command:


If you have an active audit journal with a lot of activity for many users, you can limit the information displayed by using the USRPRF parameter.

As with all security matters within the IBM i OS, this is tip just scratches the surface. You can see more information in the IBM i Security Reference manual.

If you have any questions about anything in this tip, just ask me and I'll give you my best shot. My email address is rich at All email will be answered.