IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS) can provide the ability for a user to change their password. ACS also includes "plugins" which provide a means of running some ACS features from a windows command line without having to load the full ACS client.
The "pwchange" plugin can be used to change the user's password. In the latest version of ACS, this plugin has been updated to launch a password change GUI.
Previously, running the pwchange plugin looked like this:
Not the best user experience.
Here's how to launch the GUI version:
You have to be signed on to your system using the TCP Signon process. That is the initial signon window that comes up when you establish a connection to your system before the 5250 terminal signon.
Once that is done, open a Windows command prompt and use the CD command to get to this folder:
The location might be different on your local system.
Then run this command:
acslaunch_win-64.exe /PLUGIN=pwchange /SYSTEMS= /GUI
Notice the command requires you to specify a system IP address. Also, the "/GUI" switch controls which UI to launch. Running this command is still not an ideal experience for end users. It's possible it could be scripted. Hard coding the system IP could be a challenge.
When the GUI launches, highlight the system connection you want to use (there might be several) and click the "change password" button:
We will return to this topic and explore it in more detail in a future post.
In the meantime, you might fins that automating password management is a lot easier with software like our iResetMe product.