Kisco Systems



kConnect : kConnect Downloads

To download a copy of kConnect for a FREE TRIAL, select the software download link below. This will transfer an iso CD image file to your PC. You should also download the user's manual. Once you have downloaded the software and manual, follow the instructions shown below.

We recommend that you print this page to have a hardcopy checklist for the installation process.

File Downloads:

CLICK HERE for kConnect software download.

After downloading the software, download the user's guide:

Important: If you have previously installed other Kisco software or an earlier version of Kisco Connect, do the following before you start your upgrade:

  2. If it shows no image catalog entries, continue at step 4 below.
  3. For any entry shown, use option 9 to unload it and then use option 4 to delete it. Then return to the command line.
  4. Run the IBM command: WRKLNK OBJ('/kiscocd/*')
  5. Use option 4 to remove any objects listed.

To install Kisco Connect on your system from the kConnect_CD_Image_106.iso file you received via the website download, please follow these exact instructions. Please note that these instructions can be used whether you are installing Kisco Connect for the very first time or if you are upgrading an existing Kisco Connect installation.

  1. Sign on to your IBM i from a PC that is configured for iSeries Access. You must sign on using the special IBM-supplied user profile QSECOFR. Make sure that your session is the only one that is signed on as QSECOFR during this process.

  2. Check the following system values. They should be set as indicated here. If they are not, note the current settings then change them to these settings:
      QVFYOBJRST - value 3 or lower
      QFRCCVNRST - value 0
    Note: If you have to change any of these system values, make note of the original setting and make sure that you set them back to the original setting immediately following this installation process.

  3. Run the following command to create an IFS folder to hold the CD image file:
      MKDIR DIR(kiscocd)
  4. Run the following command to create a virtual optical device:
  5. Run the following command to create an image catalog:
  6. From your PC, create a folder on your desktop named TEMP and move the kConnect_CD_Image_106.iso file into it.

  7. From your desktop, click on the iSeries Navigator. When it opens, all operations here will take place on the right side of the display box. Click on the following sequence of items displayed:
    • Your System i location
    • File Systems (Note: if this does not appear, you will have to install additional iSeries Access functions on your PC to complete this procedure.)
    • Integrated File System
    • root
    • kiscocd
    Now drag and drop the file from the TEMP folder on your PC desktop into the right-hand box of the iSeries Navigator display. This will transfer these files into the folder.

  8. Now go back to the command line and run the following command to load the file into the image catalog:
    Note: If you have installed other Kisco software or previous versions of Kisco Connect, you will need to make sure that the current Kisco Connect CD Image is the only one now active on your system. Use the WRKIMGCLG command and check the Image Catalog named KISCOCAT to make sure there is only one entry posted.

  9. From the command line, run the following command to load the image catalog entry:
  10. From the command line, run the following command to ready the virtual optical device:
  11. From the command line, run the following command to load the image catalog:
  12. From the command line, run the install process with the following command:
    This will install the software on your system for your thirty day trial period.

  13. If you have just installed Kisco Connect as an upgrade, go to the INSTALL menu in library KCONNECT and run option #2. Check the installation status shown at the center of the screen to make sure that it still shows that the software is permanently installed. If you see any other status, contact Kisco Systems as the software will not function correctly until this is corrected.

During the install processing, a document called "Additional Documentation Topics" will print. This includes the latest system changes and documentation since the last time the user manual was updated.

When you have completed your evaluation of Kisco Connect, you may purchase a permanent installation copy by contacting Kisco and arranging payment.

If you have just completed installing an upgrade of your already active license for Kisco Connect, please contact Kisco and advise them that you have updated to a new release level. Let us know the specific version that you have just installed so we can keep our records current about your installation.