The following is a list of recent changes and improvements made to iSecMap. Most changes are made as the direct result of a customer request. If you have changes you would like to see made to iSecMap, email and we'll add your change to our list of possible implementations.
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iSecMap Recent Changes Log
iSecMap Updates:
Release 3:
Release 2:
- 2.02: Adds support for Netserver Path Share tracking
- 2.01: Adds support to route log activity to system message queue
- Announcing Release 2.0
Release 1:
Release 3:
Announcing Release 3.01
We are please to announce significant new features:
- A new Assessment module has been added which will look at your system security implementation and let you know where weaknesses exists. It will let you annotate reported weaknesses to indicate that you are aware of them and accept them for your situation.
- The menu structure has been reorganized to match up with the module approach of the new release.
- IFS Path Shares auditing has been added along with associated reporting.
- Function Usage auditing has been added added along with associated reporting.
- Environment Variable auditing has been added added along with associated reporting.
- An option has been added to the Monitor module that will force the monitor process to run immediately without affecting an active periodic monitor already running.
iSecMap release 3.01 is available on the downloads page
Release 2:
Announcing Release 2.0
We are please to announce significant new features:
- Exit Point tracing now includes information about registered programs on each exit point.
- All iSecMap activity is now logged in a history log.
- The alert email subject line can now be specified by the customer.
- The library analysis process lets you see which libraries are being tracked before you select the library you want a report for.
- The library analysis process now lets you run the analysis for all registered libraries, not just one library at a time.
- The IFS analysis process lets you see which paths are being tracked before you select which path you want a report for.
- Reporting options have been improved to simplify selection of subsets to be reviewed.
iSecMap release 2.0 is available on the downloads page
Release 1:
Exit Point registration tracking added.
A new feature has been added to iSecMap that tracks registered exit programs for all IBM i OS exit points. It will also let you know when a new exit point has been added and when previous exit points are removed.