The following is a list of recent changes and improvements made to WebReport/i. Most changes are made as the direct result of a customer request. If you have changes you would like to see made to WebReport/i, email and we'll add your change to our list of possible implementations.
Register your E-mail address to receive automatic notification when this product is updated.
WebReport/i Updates:
This release now raises the minimum IBM i OS level to 7.2. WR will no longer support 7.1. Additionally, the new SNDSMTPEMM feature requires 7.3. The software will not allow this feature to be activated for OS versions below 7.3.
The PTF includes:
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1404. You must already be running release level 14.03 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file.
WebReport/i Release 14 is now available. This update is only available as a version upgrade and is not available by PTF. The new release implements a new approach to software security for WebReport/i.
Current customers who are active on annual maintenance can request the new release at no charge.
Improvements to the WRKWEBSPLF command process.
Based on customer feedback, we have made two improvements to the WRKWEBSPLF command process which lists spool files on your system and lets you select them for processing by WebReport/i functions.
We have added another filter field that lets you limit the number of spool files that are displayed. The new filter is based on the spool filename. You can select all spool filenames (the default), a specific spool filename or a GENERIC* spool filename.
We have also implemented an improvement in the way the email function works (subfile option 1) from the list of spool files shown. You can now select multiple spool files with option 1. When you have entered the parameters for the first one and processed it to send it as an email, the same settings that you specified for the TITLE, FORMAT and TOINET parameters will be prompted in all subsequent email processes. This should simplify processing of multiple reports in a similar manner and to the same destination email address(s).
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1325. You must already be running release level 13.24 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Files not generated from WebReport/i can now be shared using the Report Intranet feature.
Usefulness of the WebReport/i Intranet Feature has been expanded by now letting you add your own reports and files to the Intranet for sharing with your users. Any report format currently supports by WebReport/i can now be added to the Intranet and made available through the browser interface.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1322. You must already be running release level 13.21 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
HTML message text formatting now available for email messages.
At the request of a customer, we have enhanced the email capabilities of WebReport/i to make HTML message text formatting available. The new option allows you to set this option globally and specify the font that you want to use. With HTML formatting active, you can also insert HTML tags within your email message text to enhance its appearance.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1321. You must already be running release level 13.20 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Page scaling options added for PDF conversions.
For PDF spool file conversions, new page scaling options have been added that will let you either shrink a page image or enlarge it. Scaling options for both horizontal and vertical changes can be made.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1320. You must already be running release level 13.19 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
FTP Port Number variable added.
When converting a spool file for storage in the IFS, an option exists on the WREPORT command to send that convered report to another server using FTP. With this change, you can control the Port number used by FTP during that transfer.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1318. You must already be running release level 13.17 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
At the request of a current customer, we have added the FROMID parameter value to the information that appears in the WebReport/i Activity Log. This will only appear for reports that have been distributed via email (EREPORT).
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1316. You must already be running release level 13.15 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
At the request of a current customer, we have added an option to the WebReport/i Activity Logging process. Customers can now optionally specify a message queue on the system for notification whenever an error situation is logged to the Activity Log. Customers can then monitor that address for real-time notification when an error situation has been logged by WebReport/i.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1315. You must already be running release level 13.14 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
A new feature has been added to provide customers with a little more flexibility when sending reports via email using WebReport/i. With this new option, you can now store the report Title (Email Subject) and the destination email address (or addresses) in the USRDFNDTA field. When WebReport/i processes your report, it will automatically pick up both values from the USRDFNDTA using this new option.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1313. You must already be running release level 13.12 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Kisco announced today that WebReport/i now includes support for pushing converted spool files into the cloud storage service called Dropbox. This new support can place converted spool files into any Dropbox account and into any selected folder at the service. Sharing of the reports is controlled from within Dropbox.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1311. You must already be running release level 13.10 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Interim Release update with multiple new features.
Kisco is happy to announce an interim release of WebReport/i, Release 13.10. This new release contains several new features and is only available as a release upgrade. A PTF was not issued for this release level due to the complexity of the changes.
The new features now available include:
This update is only available as a version upgrade. You can download the upgrade from our websites' download page for WebReport/i or you can request an upgrade CD by surface mail from Kisco. Licensees that are current on annual software maintenance and support payments can receive the upgrade at no additional charge.
Report sequence options added to Report Intranet feature.
The Report Intranet feature now includes options to change the sequence of reports being presented. In addition to the original date/time sequence, you can optionally select to view reports by Title, Report Class & Title or Report Class & date/time.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1302. You must already be running release level 13.01 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 13 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
*LIST option added to SMTP Trace.
The SMTPJRNL command available in WebReport/i has been improved by adding a *LIST option that will generate a report of trace results. The report is much easier to review and interpret than the previous *VIEW option provided. The *VIEW option is still available.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1228. You must already be running release level 12.27 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Improved event logging for FTP transfers.
WebReport/i can send reports to other servers via FTP from the WREPORT command. With this change, we have implemented improved logging of these events with more information logged. The log will also report if the FTP transfer completed successfully or if it failed.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1225. You must already be running release level 12.24 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Faster Automatic Report Routing.
Based on a customer request, we have changed the way the Automatic Report Routing feature works. Prior to this change, a single processing agent program handled all report routing processing. With this change, you can now start up to three processing agents. For customers with a very heavy workload, this will speed things up considerably.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1219. You must already be running release level 12.18 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Email attachment filename expanded to 50 characters.
Based on a customer request, we have made the attachment filename in the EREPORT command larger. Prior to this change, the parameter had a maximum length of 20 (recently expanded from 8). With this change, the parameter will support a length of up to 50 characters.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1219. You must already be running release level 12.18 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Better control over *TXT conversions for multi-language installations.
For IBM i installations supporting multiple language groups, WebReport/i has now been improved with better control over conversions of spool files to *TXT format. Prior to this change, only one CCSID conversion was supported and it was implemented on a global basis. Now, WebReport/i will convert based on customer supplied parameters for specific CCSID values used by the customer.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1218. You must already be running release level 12.17 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Intranet enhanced with user report delete capability.
With this change, the Intranet feature that lets you view reports using your web browser has been upgraded to allow for end-users to delete reports from their Intranet. To qualify for delete, each user must be pre-authorized to be allowed to use the delete. When deletes are processed, there is a confirmation process before the reports are actually removed.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1216. You must already be running release level 12.15 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Attachment filename parameter lengthened.
At the request of several customers, the parameter for the attachment file name being used in the EREPORT command has been lengthened from 8 characters to 20. This gives customers more flexibility when naming their own attachment files when sending reports as email attachments.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1215. You must already be running release level 12.14 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New command added for emailing files from the IFS.
As an extension of the new file sending capability added with version 12.13, we have now implemented a separate command just for the purpose of emailing files from the IFS. The new EFILE command supports sending up to 5 IFS files on a single email message. This feature can be used in customer CL programs to send multiple reports bundled together or it can be used just to transport files from the IFS to email targets.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1214. You must already be running release level 12.13 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Optional additional file attachment from the IFS added.
Several customers have asked over the years for a feature to be added to WebReport/i that would allow for any file stored in the IFS to be included when sending email. We have now implemented this feature in the EREPORT command. A new parameter, IFSATTACH, has been added and you can specify any file stored in the IFS to be included as an additional attachement with your report. This feature can also be used by itself with the FILE(*NONE) option is used.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1213. You must already be running release level 12.12 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New email attachment naming option added.
A new option for the ATTNAME parameter when sending a report as an email attachment has been added. The new *USRDTA option will create an attachment file name based on the contents of the user data field for the spool file being processed.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1210. You must already be running release level 12.10 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New feature added to split up report distribution based on report content.
A new feature has been added to WebReport/i that lets you define a location on a report where information can be found to identify where that segment of the report should be sent. Using this feature, you can break down a report by salesman code, customer number, sales region, etc. without having to make any changes to your program. Each code can then be associated with an email address, fax destination or hard copy print.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1207. You must already be running release level 12.06 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Add your own PDF file to a converted report.
Based on a customer requested, we have added a new feature to WebReport/i that will let you append your own PDF file onto the end of a conversion of any spool file on your system. Using this feature, you can add a page of terms and conditions to a purchase order form or standard payment instructions to an invoice. This feature has been implemented for both email and local deployment and can be used from automatic report routing as well.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1206. You must already be running release level 12.05 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Support added for Google Drive Folders.
With Release 12.05, WebReport/i now lets you post reports to Google Drive placing them in any folder you want. Prior to this change, you could only post reports to the Google Drive root directory. By letting you use folders, you can share your reports with other Google Drive users at the folder level.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1205. You must already be running release level 12.04 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Macro function expanded on TITLE parameter.
The macro function on the TITLE parameter of the EREPORT and EREPORTA commands has been expanded to now let you substitute a string in the TITLE with the contents of the USRDTA field for the spool file being sent as email. This can give a much more meaningful email subject setting for certain types of processes.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1204. You must already be running release level 12.03 to apply this PTF. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Google Docs (Google Drive) Feature Added.
As of Release 12.03 of WebReport/i, a new feature has been added that lets you post reports from your IBM i system directly to Google Docs, which is now known as Google Drive. Google Drive lets you then implement controlled sharing of content across different Google Accounts. This lets you easily share reports from a central point.
Google Drive is also available for use on multiple device types. This makes it easy for you to share reports between PCs, tablets, smart phones and more.
This update is only available as a version upgrade and is not available via PTF. To request the upgrade just submit a request to Kisco via email.
Automatic Routing Table Report Listings added.
Several customers have requested that a simple listing of the Automatic Routing entries for both HTML and Email routings be added to the software. This has now been done.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1201. Registered customers of WebReport/i Release 12 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
WebReport/i Release 12 Announced.
WebReport/i Release 12 has been made available. This is an upgrade to the software formerly known as WebReport/400. This update is only available as a version upgrade and is notavailable by PTF.
Current customers who are active on annual maintenance can request the new release at no charge.
Automatic Routing FTP option added.
While WebReport/400 has had the ability to automatically route a report to a remote server using the IBM i/OS FTP Client, it has been difficult to implement and has required customers to do some programming. With this change, the process has been simplified and made very easy to set up and use.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1115. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 11 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
A new save/restore spool file format has been added.
Based on customer feedback, the old *ISP save/restore format was sometimes difficult to work with, especially when the spool file was being restored onto a system where the user profile did not match. We have now implemented a new save/restore format option, *ISV, which does not have this problem.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1113. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 11 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
PDF Forms Feature added that lets you include fill-in fields on your PDF spool file conversions.
A new feature has now been added to WebReport/400 that lets you define fill-in fields and add them to any PDF document that you are creating from a spool file. This feature is supported for both email purposes and for local storage of the spool file. With these fields added, end users can add information by filling in specific fields on the PDF document. These fields can then be stored with the PDF and printed.
This update is available only by version upgrade from Kisco Information Systems. A PTF is not being issued for this update because of the size of the change. If you want to get this new feature, just request an upgrade from Kisco. The software release level that first includes this change is WebReport/400 Release 11.11.
Spool file conversion to TIF format now supported.
Support has now been added to WebReport/400 that allows you to convert spool files into TIF (Tagged Image File) format. Note that IBM's Host Print Transform services are used for this and AFP overlay conversion is not supported at this time.
These updates are available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1109. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 11 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Support added for SMTP journaling to help trace email issues.
Sometimes customers have problems with email messages that are not delivered even though they get processed completely by WebReport/400. With this change, we have provided customers with easy access to the SMTP journaling tool that is built into IBM's i/OS. This lets you look at the next step in the email process to see how the SMTP server on your system is processing the email message once it leaves WebReport/400.
These updates are available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1108. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 11 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Configuration support for secure HTTPS browser connection added.
When the Report Intranet feature was first added to WebReport/400, the documentation only included support for configuring a non-secure HTTP connection. As of this release of the software, the documentation for the Report Intranet has been updated to also include configuration procedures needed to set up a secure browser session to the Report Intranet using HTTPS protocols.
The updated documentation is now available from the WebReport/400 download page.
New Report Intranet feature added.
With this change, a new Report Intranet feature has been added to WebReport/400. This new feature lets you distribute reports via a web browser using the Apache web server built into IBM's i/OS on your system. You can see more details about the new Report Intranet feature at the main WebReport/400 website.
This update is available only by version upgrade from Kisco Information Systems. A PTF is not being issued for this update because of the size of the change. If you want to get this new feature, just request an upgrade from Kisco.
Output queue security improved.
... and ...
New DBCS font control option added.
WebReport/400 has historically provided all users with access to all output queues. With this change, the product can now be configured to observe standard IBM i/OS rules for access to output queues, thereby improving output queue security on your system.
We have also added an option for improved DBCS character font conversion for spool files that contain DBCS data.
These updates are available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1104. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 11 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Choose which email command format to use from WRKWEBSPLF display.
With this change, you can decide which default command format you want to use when sending email from the Work With WebReport/400 Spool Files display (WRKWEBSPLF). The default use of the EREPORT command is preserved, but you can optionally choose to use the alternate command format from the EREPORTA command. Some customers have reported that the parameter presentation sequence of the EREPORTA command is easier to work with.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1102. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 11 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New PDF digital signature option added.
A new option has been added to WebReport/400 that will let you add a digital signature to a spool file that you convert into Adobe Acrobat (*PDF) format. This feature is implemented for all systems with IBM OS level of V5R4 or higher. Options provided allow you to vary information included in the digital signature and position it on your report it the most convenient location. Instructions provided with the update demonstrate how to create your own digital signature certificate using DCM on the System i and then convert it into PKCS#12 format for use with WebReport/400.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1023. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New PDF font sizing option added.
and - New date selection option for WRKWEBSPLF command.
and - CCSID setting option for email message text.
These three improvements have now been added to WebReport/400.
A new option for font type (FONTTYP) has been added for PDF spool file conversions. The values in the new parameter provide additional control over how the spool file text is rendered in the PDF document.
A new option, SPLDATE, has been added to the WRKWEBSPLF command. This will let you specify to just show you spool files for a specific date.
A new CCSID option has been added for email processing that helps control how the characters of the email message text are processed.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1016. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New PDF font sizing option added.
and - Alternate EREPORT command now available.
and - WRKWEBSPLF selection change option now available.
These three improvements have now been added to WebReport/400.
There is now a new FONTSIZ option available for PDF conversion processing that will provide additional control over the size of the font selected by WebReport/400.
Also, an alternate version of the EREPORT command is now available for use that re-orders the parameters so that, if desired, a report can be emailed from the very first prompt screen without requiring the end-user to scroll up to a second panel.
Finally, the WRKWEBSPLF command (option #4 on the MASTER menu) has been modified so that you can change the selection parameters without having to exit the list and reselect from the menu option.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1015. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Support added for *XLS option when using imbedded email directives.
As a result of a customer request, we have expanded the capability of processing spool files with imbedded #EMAIL directive statements to now support *XLS (Excel) format email output. All *XLS format parameters are supported, including report models.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1013. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Optional behavior available for WRKWEBSPLF command display.
A recent engineering change to WebReport/400 altered the way the list of spool files in the WRKWEBSPLF (option #4 on the MASTER menu) works. With the change, the list is refreshed after every line item action taken by the user. Some users still wanted the ability to select multiple line items for work flow reasons. With the change implemented today, we now offer this as an optional global setting so that this kind of work flow can be performed.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1012. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Summary option available for File Monitor feature.
Based on a customer request, we have added a summary reporting option to the WebReport/400 File Monitor feature. Using this feature, you can have the system send email notifications after every nth file event that you are monitoring for.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1010. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Message monitor exception table added.
For the WebReport/400 Message Queue Monitor feature, we have added the ability to ignore specific error message IDs for specific message queues. This new feature works in a similar way to the system's automatic reply list. You can have the monitor feature simply ignore certain error messages, like forms change requests.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1010. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Integrated FTP transfer capability added to WREPORT command.
We have added an integrated call to FTP to the WREPORT command. With this feature, customers can now convert a report into any of the supported formats and then automatically send them to any server that is running FTP.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1009. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Automatic routing based on user profile added.
WebReport/400 automatic spool file routing has been enhanced to allow routing based on the user profile associated with the spool file. Now, for any monitored output queue, you can have the reports routed based on the user profile that created them.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1008. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New page range selection added to EREPORT command.
A new parameter has been added to the EREPORT command that allows you to specify a range of pages to be processed on *PDF and *XLS conversions. When specified, rather than processing the entire report, only the specified range of pages will be converted.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1006. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
RTF spool file conversions improved.
Based on a customer request, we have improved the rendering of reports in RTF format when the spool file line length is longer than the "standard" 132 characters but shorter than 198. With this change, a new format will be used when the line length is 150 or less but longer than 132.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1005. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New FROMID parameter option added.
A new parameter option value of *SPLUSER has been added to the FROMID parameter when sending spool file reports via email. Using this new option, the email will appear as if it was sent to the recipient(s) from the user profile that created the spool file. Review the documentation that prints during PTF installation for more details on how to implement this.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1004. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Software authorization security update.
WebReport/400 has been updated so that the authorization code for the software is now partition specific. Customers moving to this new release, level 10.03, that have LPAR systems or have WebReport/400 installed in a partition other than 001 will have to contact Kisco Information Systems for new authorization codes. Pay particular attention to the email that the PTF arrives with for more details.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1003. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Local printing option when splitting report for email transmission.
Several customers have asked for us to allow another option when a report is being split for separate email destinations. To date, each report segment had to be sent to a destination email address. With the recent addition of fax capability, you could also send a segment of a report to a fax number. With this change, you can now also specify that a segment of the report be sent to a local printer to be transferred to hard copy. This is very handy when generating statements or invoices and you have some customers or vendors that do not want either email or fax copies.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF1002. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 10 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New ability to send spool files by fax using MetroFax internet fax service.
With this new release, WebReport/400 can be used to send spool files via fax. To implement this feature, new page alignment features have also been implemented. You will need an active account with MetroFax to use the fax features. The cost for most customers will be less than the cost of an additional phone line for a fax machine. Details on setting up an account and using the new features are available when the update is installed.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF933. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New control over CCSID value used for PDF conversions.
A new parameter has been added to WebReport/400 that will give the customer more control over the specific CCSID value to be used when converting a spool file to PDF format. Prior to this change, the CCSID value associated with the spool file was used, but it did not always result in a correct conversion. The new feature allows several different values, including the specific CCSID value you want to use.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF928. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New alignment parameters added for PDF conversions.
Three new parameters have been added to help customers with alignment of their PDF conversions from spool files. These let the customer adjust the page left margin, the page top margin and indicate how these offsets are specified, either in inchest, millimeters or centimeters.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF926. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Option added to ease Excel report modeling creation.
A few customers have commented to us on the new Excel report modelling feature to indicate that the process to create the models can be complicated. To ease this situation, we have added a feature that lets you take an existing model and make a copy of it to start a new model. Since many reports for an installation are similar, having the ability to create new models from existing models should reduce the time needed to create new models.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF925. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New error handling option for email transmission failures.
When WebReport/400 encounters a transmission error during the send operation for an email, it issues an error message and halts. This "normal" operation gives you the opportunity to identify and fix the problem before processing any additional email messages. Some customers, however, requested that there be an optional method of handling this so that the error is logged but processing continues without interruption.
We have now implemented this option by adding a global setting in WebReport/400 that controls how email transmission errors are handled. The default setting will continue to process the way it is now. An optional setting will continue processing after logging the error to the WebReport/400 Activity Log. This optional setting is not recommended and should be reviewed with Kisco support staff before being used on a production basis.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF924. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Documentation for Excel report modeling improved.
Based on early users of the Excel report modeling feature, we found some confusion with how it is supposed to work. This update includes improved documentation and on-screen instructions to help clarify how the models should be built.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF923. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Improved Excel report formatting through report modeling.
The initial implementation of Excel spool file conversions included a fully automatic spool file interpreter to determine Excel fields. For certain types of reports, this automatic routine did not work well. We have now implemented the ability for you to create and maintain spool file layout models for improved Excel spool file conversions.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF921. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
The WEBLOG command, which displays the WebReport/400 activity log, now has two new date selection options available. *TODAY will start the display with today's entries. *PRVDAY will start the display with yesterday's entries.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF916. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Report conversion to Excel (xls) format now supported.
WebReport/400 now supports conversion of spool files directly into a file format that is compatible with Microsoft Excel. WebReport/400 will now general XLS files that can be used by Excel and other PC-based spreadsheet programs.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF915. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Application Security Expanded.
The optional application security feature in WebReport/400 has been expanded. With this change, you can now differentiate between registered users. The users are broken down into two classes, end users and administrators. With security active, only an administrative user and access the configuration and setup options in WebReport/400.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF914. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Support added to the WREPORT command for a NEWQ parameter.
Support has always been in the EREPORT command in WebReport/400 to allow for a spool file to be moved to a different output queue following an email transmission of the report. This feature has now been added to the WREPORT command following a conversion for local deployment.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF913. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Job queue processing options added for EREPORT and EREPORTM commands.
A new optional parameter has been added to the EREPORT and EREPORTM commands that are used to send reports as Email. The new parameter allows you to specify a job queue name to be used for the email processing. When used, this will spin the processing off to a job queue and return the user to the command line for more processing.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF911. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New WebReport/400 Activity Log processing available.
Based on a customer request, we have upgraded the WebReport/400 Activity Log function to now be based on an operating system database file. Until this point, the log system used OS message files. The new system now contains additional logging information and can be used for custom reporting and inquiries that were not possible prior to this change. A new display and standard report format is also now available.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF909. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Additional file naming option for *IFS spool file conversion.
Based on a customer request, we have added another option to the way output files are named when converting spool files for storage in the IFS. This option is a new macro expression that can be included in the filename. Support has now been added for a *GEN macro that works like the other *GENDAT, *GENUSR and *GENDATTIM macros released earlier.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF907. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Extra wide reports now supported for *TXT and *HTML formats.
Support has now been added to WebReport/400 so that extra wide reports, up to 378 character print positions, will now be supported for *TXT and *HTML formats. These reports have always been supported for *PDF formats, but several customers have requested that the support be extended.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF904. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
AFP Overlays now processed for *PDF email send to internally stored addresses.
WebReport/400 allows you to split up a spool file and send portions to different email addresses based on internally stored #EMAIL directive in the spool file. With this change, this feature can be used for *PDF conversions when the spool file has an AFP overlay associated with it. Prior to this, the overlay was being dropped. The spool file must still be an *SCS type file.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF903. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Security change for WebReport/400 Router.
To improve security, the WebReport/400 Router has been changed to always run under the special WebReport/400 user profile. If you are also using the message monitor feature, that also will now run under the new profile.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF903. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Improved overlay alignment for PDF conversions.
With this change, Release 9.02, the PDF conversion routine has been updated to improve the way text aligns with AFP overlay objects so that it more closely matches the way it works on the printer that you are using.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF902. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 9 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New file naming options for *IFS spool file conversion.
Based on a customer request, we have added several options to the way output files are named when converting spool files for storage in the IFS. These options are all new macro expressions that can be included in the filename. WebReport/400 will search for these macros and then replace them with the variable data requested by the macro. Support is included for *GENDAT, *GENUSR and *GENDATTIM.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF815. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 8 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Job delay time now an external variable.
WebReport/400 has a built-in job delay time to adjust for some timing issues that happened on an earlier release of the software. The product has now been changed to make this job delay time an external variable that can be set and controlled by the customer.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF814. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 8 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
&DATE-EXPR macro added to TITLE parameter when sending reports as email.
A customer asked for this feature to be added so that they could date differentiate the Email subject text for reports sent automatically day after day. When this new macro value is included in the TITLE parameter of an email from WebReport/400, the current date will be formatted into the TITLE in place of the macro expression.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF812. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 8 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Support added for Email Address Groups.
Based on several customer requests, we updated the WebReport/400 email Address Book function to include the abiltity to create, maintain and use address groups. Using this feature, you can create a group of email addresses and then simply refer to the group name on the report that you want to send as email. WebReport/400 will retrieve all of the individual members for the group and send the report to all of them.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF811. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 8 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New Email TITLE (Subject) options added.
Based on a customer suggestion, we have added three new options for determining the email subject for a report. These options are available for both the manual use of the EREPORT command and when setting up an automatic email transmission for your report.
The new option will let you convert a USRDTA value, spool file name or formtype into a standard Subject (TITLE) value using a new Title Conversion Table. A new option has now been added to the MASTER menu to let you maintain this table.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF808. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 8 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Send multiple reports as a single email message.
Several customers have requested having the ability to bundle multiple reports as a single email message. This new feature is now available in WebReport/400 through implementation of a new command that allows you to package up to five reports onto a single email.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF807. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 8 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Support added for converting *USERASCII spool files into PDF format with graphics.
Based on a customer request, we have now added the abililty to convert *USERASCII spool files into Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files. Support includes both sending these as email attachments and converting the spool files for local deployment.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF804. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 8 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Control over Receipient Identification added.
Prior to this change, WebReport/400 used a default value of "iSeries Report Recipient" for most outbound email. With this change, control is provided to change the default value. You can also change this value on each email. As always, if a destination email address is specified using an entry from the WebReport/400 address book, the identifier in the address book will be used.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF803. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 8 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
PDF 128 bit encryption now supported.
WebReport/400 now supports 128 bit encryption for maximum security protection on Adobe Acrobat files produced by WebReport/400. Earlier versions only supported 40 bit encryption, now customers can choose between the encryption scheme that best suits their requirements.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF802. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 8 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
WebReport/400 Release 8 now available.
WebReport/400 Release 8 is now available. This new release includes all of the features and updates added during recent months and includes a complete update to the documentation manual.
This update is only available as an upgrade from install CD for current customers. To request your copy, please send us an email message and we will ship the new upgrade install CD to you. If you have WebReport/400 Release 7 installed on trial, please contact us to make upgrade arrangements.
WREPORT now supports *TXT option.
Based on a customer request, we have updated the WREPORT process to now support creating spool files in *TXT format. This format has always been available for email routing of reports, this change makes it available when storing spool files for local deployment from the IFS or shared folders.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF720. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New mass spool file restore capability added.
This change implements an expanded capability in WebReport/400 for restoring spool files that were previously saved using our *400 format option. The new feature allows you to restore all spool files contained within a directory with a single call to the restore command.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF719. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New file naming option on WREPORT command.
A new output file naming option is now available when converting spool files for storage in the shared folder file system (QDLS). This new option is identified as *GEN and will generate a unique output file name for each spool file conversion where it is specified.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF718. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Information displays for the WRKWEBSPLF command updated.
The information displays for the WRKWEBSPLF command (option #4 on the MASTER menu) have now been redesigned to closely mimic the OS/400 command WRKOUTQ (Work with Output Queue). There are now two different views of the list of spool files in the output queue. You can easily switch between the views and even set a specific view as a starting default.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF716. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. (Note, this PTF also includes a problem fix.)
New edit check added when creating new automatic routing rules.
Several customers have experienced a problem after creating a new automatic routing rule. They found that even though the new rule was correctly entered, reports were not being automatically routed. This is nearly always because they have created the output queue themselves, and forgot to specify the data queue parameter setup for the output queue. This change adds an edit check in WebReport/400 when you create a routing to make sure that the specified output queue is properly configured. If it is not, WebReport/400 will not permit the new rule to be created. It will also ask if WebReport/400 can make the change for you on-the-fly.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF713. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Two specification changes implemented.
Based on customer requests, we have now implemented two new specification changes in WebReport/400. The size of the TITLE parameter on the EREPORT command, which becomes the email "Subject" field, has been increased to 64 characters. Also, the processing that takes place when the WebReport/400 Automatic Report Router is shut down has been enhanced. Now, if there are no other WebReport/400 functions running at the time the router is ended, the EREPORT subsystem will also be automatically ended.
These updates are available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF712. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New PDF support options available.
This update contains a complete replacement for the PDF conversion routine to support several additional spool file types. With this change, support is now included for *SCS spool files with DBCS activated. It also includes limited support for *USERASCII, *LINE and *AFPDSLINE files.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF710. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Optional feature to show all email recepient addresses.
Based on customer feedback, we found many customers who wanted to let people who are receiving report from WebReport/400 via Email know what other people also received the report. To meet this request, we have now added a feature that optionally lets you include a list of all recipient email addresses in the body of the message text.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF710. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Automatic Routing enhancement.
Based on customer feedback, we found that the new *FILENAME and *USRDTA automatic routing features were somewhat limited as initially implemented. Both options only permitted one such routing per monitored output queue. This limitation has now been removed and multiple such automatic routings per output queue are now allowed.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF708. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New Automatic Routing option added.
A new option for automatically routing reports using WebReport/400 has been added. Prior to this change, you could route reports by output queue and either FORMTYPE or spool FILENAME. This new feature now adds the USRDTA field as a selectable field when entering routing rules.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF707. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. (Note: This PTF also includes another update, see the following listed item.)
New option when ending a Message Monitor task.
When shutting down a WebReport/400 Message Monitor function, the original feature always sent an Email notice to advise that the monitor was closing. With this change, there is an option on the shutdown command that lets you choose whether or not to send the message.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF707. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. (Note: This PTF also includes another update, see the previously listed item above.)
WebReport/400 File Monitor implemented.
WebReport/400 File Monitor lets you watch any data file on your system for record access events. When these events occur, an automatic email will be sent to you advising you of the event. The File Monitor checks for record reads, record updates, record additions (insert) and record deletes. You can check for just one type of event all for all four. File Monitor can also be set to only monitor for these events during off hours. The specific hours of operation can be set by you.
Using the security feature, you can keep positive track on critical data resources on your system. Any access to the files where WebReport/400 File Monitor is active will be reported immediately.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF706. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Address Book listings implemented.
At the request of a customer, we have added two new listing features. After installing this new PTF, you will have new function key options in the Address Book maintenance screen to generate the new reports. They are both listings of the information in the Address Book. One listing is by Abbreviation code and the other is by the person's name.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF705. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Message text expanded to 1024 characters.
At the request of a customer, we have expanded the optional message text field on Email messages to support up to 1,024 characters. For our customer, this permitted them to add a lengthy privacy statement as standard Email text.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF703. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
WebReport/400 Message Monitor feature added.
The WebReport/400 Message Monitor feature lets you monitor for messages being posted to any message queue on your system. When a message arrives that meets your severity level filter, WebReport/400 will automatically generate an Email message to any Email address you have specified. Multiple Email addresses are supported, including those for pagers. Using this feature, you can monitor for unusual events on your system and receive instant notification via Email to your personal Email account, your business Email account, your pager and more.
This update is available with your WebReport/400 Release 7 upgrade. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 7 can obtain this new version provided their annual maintenance is current. To request the upgrade, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Automatic report routing based on spool file name.
At the request of many customers, we have added the ability to specify an automatic report routing in WebReport/400 based on the spool file name. Now, for a report processed to a monitored output queue, you can have WebReport/400 process the report when there is a match to the routing table on the filename.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF619. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. This PTF includes other enhancements plus a corrective fix.
New OS/400 batch FTP support added.
Several customers have contacted us recently who are using WebReport/400 to convert their spool files for Internet and Intranet deployment at web sites. To help those customers who are not serving their site from the iSeries-AS/400, we have now added support for batch FTP transmission to make it easier for customers to transfer converted spool files. This support inlcudes a customized FTP command along with a sample shell CL program that customers can use to create a post program to automatically transfer files once a spool file conversion has been completed.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF618. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. This PTF includes other enhancements plus a corrective fix.
The WebReport/400 command Work With Web Spool Files (WRKWEBSPLF) has been improved for customers running OS/400 V5R1 or higher. The new routine is much more responsive than earlier versions. Also, this routine will work for customers who are running OS/400 System/36 Execution Environment (S36EE) at the system value level.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF617. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. This PTF includes other enhancements plus a corrective fix.
New automatic email routing options added.
A new option for automatically sending spool files as email has been added. With this change, you can imbed the destination email address (or addresses) in the USRDFNDTA field that is associated with the spool file. When you configure your email, you just specify a destination email address of *USRDFNDTA and WebReport/400 will know to pick up the addressing information from the spool file field.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF616. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. This PTF includes other enhancements plus a corrective fix.
AFP Overlay margin adjustment ability added.
A new capability was added to WebReport/400 today that allows you to adjust the positioning of an AFP overlay when creating an Acrobat document from an AFPDS spool file that specifies an overlay. The new feature lets you control both the vertical and the horizontal positioning.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF616. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. This PTF includes other enhancements plus a corrective fix.
Acrobat security features added.
Acrobat security features have now been added to WebReport/400. These features let you specify both user and owner passwords and let you indicate restriction conditions for recipients of Acrobat files processed by WebReport/400. These restrictions let you control end user printing, end user modification, use of the text selection tool by the end user and the ability of the end user to annotate the Acrobat document. User and owner passwords are case sensitive and can include imbedded blanks for pass phrases.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF615. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Sender's email address option expanded.
WebReport/400 identifies the sender with an email address and name. This change to the product provides more flexibility for the sender's email address by permitting the customer to code a specific email address right in the send instruction.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF614. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New Acrobat (PDF) conversion module added.
The routine that we use to convert spool files into Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format files has been replaced with an upgraded routine. The new routine is able to handle more complete AFP and IPDS files that was possible with the earlier module. This new module also includes new features that will be added to WebReport/400 over the course of the next several months.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF613. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Customer controlled default email message text added.
A feature of WebReport/400 lets customers use a default message on email message texts. Prior to the change announced today, that default value was hard coded in the product. With this change, which was requested by a current customer, you can control the text for the default message text.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF612. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Local spool file archiving feature added.
WebReport/400 has now been changed to let you convert your spool files into PC files stored on your system in either your shared folder area (QLDS file system) or elsewhere in the IFS. These spool files can then be moved offline for long term storage. At any time, using the spool file restore capability already implemented in WebReport/400, you can restore any of these files from your archive back into the spool file on your system.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF609. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New file naming option for Email and HTML processing.
A new file naming option has been added to WebReport/400. For both E-mail or HTML processes, the *GENDAT option will generate a file name based on the create date of the spool file. This will allow customers to create date differentiated files automatically. The file name prefix can be set by the customer for each operation.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF608. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
WebReport/400 now lets you email an OS/400 spool file from one location to another and restore it onto a different iSeries-AS/400 system. This is a useful feature for customers with multiple systems who occasionally need to transfer a spool file from one system to another. The process is a simple two step process. The first step prepares and sends the spool file as an email attachment. This part of the process can be automated. The second step of the process restores the spool file on the receiving machine.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF607. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Additional controls over EBCDIC to ASCII conversion on *TXT and *RTF spool file conversions.
At the request of a customer, we have now implemented some new controls over *TXT and *RTF spool file conversion that give you control over exactly how the EBCDIC to ASCII conversion is handled. Prior to this time, only certain default settings were used. Now, if you choose, you can control these settings.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF605. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New feature on *TXT option email spool file conversions.
Until now, when WebReport/400 created a *TXT format output report from a spool file, it added a banner to show where the page breaks occur. Some customers asked to have this optionally eliminated. This new feature is now available.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF604. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 6 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Release 6 available with support for color AFPDS overlays when using Adobe Acrobat (PDF) output format and conversion of spool files into CSV files.
Release 6 of WebReport/400 is now available. This release contains all of the enhancements already made available for the previous release via PTF changes plus it adds support for customers using the WebReport/400 PDF version of the product. This version now includes support for color AFPDS overlays along with PDF format report conversions and the ability to convert a spool file into a CSV file for use in an electronic spreadsheet. The release includes many other enhancements as well.
Current customers can obtain the new release by contacting Kisco Information Systems. A new user's guide is now available and customers can, at their choice, upgrade to the new PDF/CSV support.
WRKWEBSPLF spool file list changed.
The initial list of spool files displayed when using the WRKWEBSPLF command (option #4 from the MASTER menu) has been changed to always include the spool file date and time on the initial display. All spool file attributes are still available when placing an 8' next to the spool file desired.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF516. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 5 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. (Note, this PTF also includes other updates and a product fix).
Option added for Recipient's Name on Email.
When you use an abbreviated name from the WebReport/400 address book, the recipient's name will now be taken from the address book. Prior to this change, all Email sent was identified with a default value for the recipient's name. Email that does not use the WebReport/400 address book will continue to see this default setting.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF516. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 5 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. (Note, this PTF also includes other updates and a product fix).
A new option for setting the Title parameter, which ends up as the "Subject" for an Email sent through WebReport/400, has been added. With this new option, you can now specify a variable title in the print spool file by storing the title in the USRDFNDTA field.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF516. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 5 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. (Note, this PTF also includes other updates and a product fix).
Embedded Title on #EMAIL directive added.
At the request of several customers, we have added a new parameter feature when sending Email to a list of addresses that are embedded directly into the spool file on the #EMAIL directive line. The new parameter lets you code a unique TITLE parameter, which is then used as the "Subject" for the outbound Email when it is sent.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF513. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 5 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Title field expanded to 50 characters.
At the request of several customers, the TITLE field has been expanded from 25 characters to 50 characters.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF510. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 5 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Application security feature added.
A new feature has been added to WebReport/400 that optionally lets customers specifically control which user profiles may use the various WebReport/400 features. When the optional feature is activated, you can specifically control user profiles that can use Email, HTML conversion, both or those that should be specifical excluded from using any features.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF510. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 5 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. Note, this PTF includes other improvements and fixes.
Support added for naming the email attachment file.
At the request of several customers, we have added another new feature that lets you control how email attachments are named. Prior to this change, the email attachment file was named automatically by WebReport/400. The filename was the letter 'E' followed by a unique six digit number with the proper suffix appended depending on the type of attachment requested. With this change, you can control the specific file name if you prefer that method. The default method will continue to call for WebReport/400 to generate its own attachment name.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF508. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 5 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Updated Acrobat (PDF) conversion implemented.
The core Acrobat (PDF) conversion utility used in WebReport/400 has been replaced with an upgraded version. The new routine does a better job of interpretting OS/400 spool files and the conversions into PDF format are much improved.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF507. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 5 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New feature to send Email without a report attachment.
A new feature has now been implemented that lets you send an Email message using the WebReport/400 EREPORT command without sending a report attachment. This feature was requested by several customers so they could generate Email messages from their application programs without generating a report.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF502. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 5 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Release 5 available with support for AFPDS overlays when using Adobe Acrobat (PDF) output format.
Release 5 of WebReport/400 is now available. This release contains all of the enhancements already made available for the previous release via PTF changes plus it adds support for customers using the WebReport/400 PDF version of the product. This version now includes support for using AFPDS overlays along with PDF format report conversions. The release includes many other enhancements as well.
Current customers can obtain the new release by contacting Kisco Information Systems. A new user's guide is now available and customers can, at their choice, upgrade to the new PDF support.
Configuration Wizard takes the mystery out of OS/400 configuration hassle.
Several customers have told us that they find the OS/400 configuration requirements confusing and overly complex. We couldn't agree more and, to help new customers get started, we've added a WebReport/400 Configuration Wizard that takes the mystery out of configuration. The Wizard steps you through a series of questions about your network and your configuration. As it progresses, it edits and checks your responses to make sure they will work correctly. When you are all done, your configuration will be automatically updated. The Wizard can be run in Test mode to simply checkout the configuration parameters or in Post mode to edit and then update your configuration settings.
Note: the Configuration Wizard requires a minimum OS/400 level of V4R2. If you are on an earlier release, you can still use the configuration Powerpoint presentation that is provided on your install CD. The presentation is also available for download from our website.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF414. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 4 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Automatic system directory enrollment added.
This change allows you to let WebReport/400 automatically enroll new users in the system directory. This is an optional feature. When installing WebReport/400 initially, the feature defaults to being active. It can be deactivated. Since users must be enrolled in the system directory, this change has been added to simplify maintenance for new users who want to send reports or store reports locally.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF412. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 4 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. Note, this PTF also contains a correction to a problem related to CPF0001 errors.
Extended maximum report line length from 198 to 238.
The original release of WebReport/400 only supported print line widths of up to 198 characters. This was based on an old "standard" for the IBM midrange that set this as the maximum width. This limit has now been raised to 238 characters in WebReport/400.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF408. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 4 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Optional support added for reports with overprinting.
AS/400 reports can contain overprinting for a variety of reasons. Sometimes this is done for emphasis or some other special effect on the output report. Other times overprint lines can contain relevant data for the report. Prior to this change, WebReport/400 ignored all but the first line in a set of overprint lines.
With this change, you can specify how you want overprint line sets processed. You can choose to ignore them or you can choose to take the data on them and merge it together. This change applied to reports that are sent as E-mail and for reports that are converted for local deployment (HTML conversions).
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF407. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 4 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Remote spool file diagnostic ability added.
To help diagnose problems with certain spool file conversion processing, a remote diagnostic tool has been added to WebReport/400. This tool will allow customers to send the exact contents of the spool file they have having a problem with to Kisco for diagnostic support. Instructions for using this feature are provided when needed.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF403. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 4 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Optional post-process program call added for local report conversions.
With this change, WebReport/400 can call a user written program immediately following a local conversion of a report into HTML, RTF or PDF. Using this option, users can process the converted report for Internet or Intranet deployment immediately following conversion processing by WebReport/400. Parameters are passed to the post-process program that identify the type of conversion and the location of the converted report along with optional additional user parameters.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF402. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 4 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New feature lets you store local report conversion anywhere in the Integrated File System (IFS).
The process for converting reports for Internet or Intranet deployment in HTML, RTF or PDF format has been enhanced. A new feature allows you to store the converted report virtually anywhere on your system with the addition of an output option to place the converted file in the IFS.
The update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF401. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 4 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Release 4 Available with optional support for Adobe Acrobat (PDF) output format.
Release 4 of WebReport/400 is now available. This release contains all of the enhancements already made available for the previous release via PTF changes plus it adds optional support for Adobe Acrobat (PDF) report format conversion. The PDF support is available for an extra charge by upgrading to the new WebReport/400 PDF product.
Current customers can obtain the new release by contacting Kisco Information Systems. A new user's guide is now available and customers can, at their choice, upgrade to the new PDF support.
New Address Book Feature Added
A new Address Book feature has been added to WebReport/400. This feature lets you store frequently used Email addresses and refer to them via short, easy to use abbreviations.
The update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF305. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 3 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Support for stacking Direct Internet Email addresses
Support has been added to WebReport/400 that now allows you to stack multiple direct internet Email addresses on each destination Email address parameter. Twenty such parameters are available, each with 253 characters. In prior versions, you could only specify one address in each parameter. With this new feature, the prior limit of 20 addresses is effectively lifted.
The update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF304. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 3 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New MSGTEXT option when Emailing reports
A new feature has been added to the Email capability of WebReport/400. With this change, a brief, variable Email message can also be included with report distribution via Email. The new feature is implemented for both manual distributions and for automatic distributions.
The update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF303. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 3 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Two new options for HTML conversions
Two new options have now been added to the HTML conversion process:
These updates are available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF302. Registered customers of WebReport/400 Release 3 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New Replace option for HTML conversions
For customer doing local conversions, either to HTML or to the newly available RTF formats, this new option allows you to replace a file that already exists with the same name.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF206. Registered customers of WebReport/400 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Alternate format for HTML conversion
WebReport/400 now offers you a choice of local report conversio attachment formats. You can convert your report into HTML (a feature WebReport/400 has always had) or you can now optionally convert your report into Rich Text Format (RTF) format. The converted file is stored on your AS/400 at the location you specify. This gives you the ability to store reports in a format that can be used by client word processing software (ie: Word, WordPerfect, etc). This provides good editting capability and gives a much improved method for printing the reports on your PC.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF206. Registered customers of WebReport/400 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
New Email Report Format - RTF Support
WebReport/400 now offers you a choice of Email attachment formats. You can send your AS/400 report as a plain text file (*TXT) or as a Rich Text Format (*RTF) file. Prior versions of WebReport/400 only supported send text files. The RTF format is compatible with most popular PC wordprocessing software and lets you have more control over format and printing options.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF204. Registered customers of WebReport/400 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
Using WebReport/400, you can route a report to a local output queue on your AS/400 after it has been sent to one or more Email destinations. With this change, you can also specify a different form type for the local routing. Since the form type can be used to direct Email output, it is helpful to change it back to a more normal form type when routing to your local printers.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF203. Registered customers of WebReport/400 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. Note that this PTF also includes the following new feature.
Support for Imbedded Email Directive Statements
This new feature allows you to automatically route reports, or report segments, to different destination Email addresses based on Email Directive Statements that are included directly in the spool file. Using this feature, you can control the routing of output reports from your application program by inserting Direct Internet Email addresses from your database into the output report stream.
To use this feature, you must be running your system on OS/400 V4R1M0 or higher and have direct Internet Email support configured on your system. Information on how to set up this configuration is in the WebReport/400 Release 2 User's Guide.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF203. Registered customers of WebReport/400 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page. Note, this PTF also includes the previously listed new feature.
Optional Local Routing following E-mail
With this change, a report can be re-routed locally following an E-mail operation. Using this method, a report can be sent as E-mail and then routed to a local printer for printing. It can also be routed to a different E-mail output queue and sent to another set of recipients.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF106. Registered customers of WebReport/400 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
This new feature allows you to add banners to your AS/400 reports when you convert them into HTLM documents using WebReport/400. The new feature allows you to code HTML code blocks that can then be inserted as a header, trailer or both on your report. These HTML code blocks can include graphics, links and anything else that can be coded using HTML. The new options are available on both manually converted reports and via the WebReport/400 automatic report processing method.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF104. Registered customers of WebReport/400 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
This new feature allows you to change the color for the text of your report when it is displayed with browser software. The default value is black, but any of the valid HTML color names can be selected.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF103. Registered customers of WebReport/400 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.
This new feature is used when converting reports into HTML documents for internet or intranet deployment. It allows you to optionally create an index into the report. The index is created at the top of the HTML document.
You can choose to have no index, a single index pointing to the last page of the report or multiple index entries. When you choose the multiple entries option, WebReport/400 will create an index link at every "n"th page.
This update is available via the Internet as PTF package WRPTF102. Registered customers of WebReport/400 can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.