Kisco Systems
WebReport/i : Downloads

To download a copy of WebReport/i PDF for a FREE TRIAL or for a version upgrade, select the software download link below. This will transfer an ISO CD image file to your local device. You should also download the user's manual. Once you have downloaded the software and manual, follow the instructions below.

We recommend that you print this page to have a hardcopy checklist for the installation process.

File Downloads:

WebReport/i software download.

After downloading the software, download the user's guide. It is in Adobe Acrobat format.:

WebReport/i User's Guide - Release 14

WebReport/i Report Intranet User's Guide - Release 14

WebReport/i PDF Form Feature User's Guide - Release 14

WebReport/i Dropbox Feature User's Guide - Release 14

WebReport/i HTTP Apache Configuration Files.

WebReport/i Configuration Powerpoint presentation.

WebReport/i User's Guide - Release 13.12

WebReport/i Report Intranet User's Guide - Release 13.12

WebReport/i PDF Form Feature User's Guide - Release 13

WebReport/i Dropbox Feature User's Guide - Release 13

Internet Install Instructions

Note: If you prefer installing the software from a hard CD, most CD burner software will allow you to burn a CD from the downloaded ISO CD image file. If you want to take this route, refer to the install instructions in the user's guide.

To install the WebReport/i product on your system from the WebReport_CD_Image_1405.iso file you downloaded, please follow these exact instructions:

Note: These instructions can be used for either a new product installation or for a software upgrade if you already have WebReport/i installed. If you experience a problem during this upgrade process, please refer to our recovery procedure. Contact Kisco Information System for support if this happens.

Upgrade Note 1: If you are using this procedure to upgrade an existing WebReport/i installation and you currently have a release level of 10.03 or higher installed, skip the rest of this paragraph. WebReport/i release level 10.03 and higher contains a different software authorization code process. If you have the software installed on an LPAR system or you have it installed in a partition other than the standard 001 partition, you will need new software authorization codes from Kisco Information Systems. You must have these codes on hand BEFORE you start the upgrade process. If there is any question, please contact Kisco Information Systems now.

Upgrade Note 2: Before starting your upgrade, please run the following command on your system:

WRKLNK OBJ('/kiscocd/*')

If there are any files showing in the kiscocd folder in the IFS, please make sure that they are all deleted before you start your upgrade.

  1. Sign on to your System i from a PC that is configured for iSeries Access. You must sign on using the special IBM-supplied user profile QSECOFR.
  2. Check the following system values. They should be set as indicated here. If they are not, note the current settings then change them to these settings:
    QVFYOBJRST - value 3 or lower
    QFRCCVNRST - value 1
  3. Create the special user profile, WEBREPTUSR, that is required by WebReport/i for ownership of the objects within the application library. Use the following command:
    TEXT('WebReport/i Ownership User - DO NOT DELETE')
  4. Run the following command to create an IFS folder to hold the CD image file:
    MKDIR DIR(kiscocd)
  5. Run the following command to create a virtual optical device:
  6. Run the following command to create an image catalog:
  7. From your desktop, click on the iSeries Navigator. When it opens, all operations here will take place on the right side of the display box. Click on the following sequence of items displayed:
    • Your System i location
    • File Systems (Note: if this does not appear, you will have to install additional iSeries Access functions on your PC to complete this procedure.)
    • Integrated File System
    • root
    • kiscocd

    Now drag and drop the downloaded ISO file into the right-hand box of the iSeries Navigator display. This will transfer these files into the folder.

  8. Now go back to the command line and run the following command to load the file into the image catalog:

    Note: If you have installed other Kisco software or previous versions of WebReport/i, you will need to make sure that the current WebReport/i CD Image is the only one now active on your system. Use the WRKIMGCLG command and check the Image Catalog named KISCOCAT to make sure there is only one entry posted.

  9. From the command line, run the following command to load the image catalog entry:
  10. From the command line, run the following command to ready the virtual optical device:
  11. From the command line, run the following command to load the image catalog:
  12. Important! - If you are doing an upgrade to an existing WebReport/i installation, make sure that no WebReport/i functions are currently active on your system. This includes making sure that no users have any of the menus active on their terminal and that the all active Router or Monitor functions have been stopped. To check if the Router or any Monitors are currently running, you can use this command: WRKACTJOB SBS(EREPORT). If the EREPORT subsystem is active, then it must be shut down using normal processes before you start the next step.
  13. From the command line, run the install process with the following command:
  14. If you changed any system values above, reset them back to their original values once the install processing has completed.

The software will now be installed and the WebReport/i menu will be displayed.

When you have completed your evaluation of WebReport/i, you may purchase a permanent installation copy by contacting us and arranging payment.

If you have just completed installing an upgrade of your already active license for WebReport/i, go to the INSTALL menu and run option #3. Verify that the display still shows that the software is permanently installed. If not, you will have to update the code that you obtained before starting the upgrade process. Also, please contact Kisco and advise us that you have updated to a new release level. Let us know the specific version that you have just installed so we can keep our records current about your installation.