To download a copy of iFileAudit for a FREE TRIAL, select the software download link below. This will transfer an iso CD image file to your PC. You should also download the user's manual. Once you have downloaded the software and manual, follow the instructions shown below.
We recommend that you print this page to have a hardcopy checklist for the installation process.
File Downloads:
CLICK HERE for iFileAudit software download.After downloading the software, download the user's guide:
iFileAudit User's Guide - Release 8.
iFileAudit Browser Interface - Release 8.
Previous release documentation is available here:
Download iFileAudit 7.07
iFileAudit HTTP Configuration Files
iFileAudit User's Guide - Release 7
iFileAudit Browser Interface - Release 7
Internet Install Instructions
Note: If you prefer installing the software from a hard CD, most CD burner software will allow you to burn a CD from the downloaded ISO CD image file. If you want to take this route, refer to the install instructions in the user's guide.
To install iFileAudit on your system from the iFileAudit_CD_Image_805.iso file you received via E-mail or Website Download, please follow these exact instructions. Please note that these instructions can be used whether you are installing iFileAudit for the very first time or if you are upgrading an existing iFileAudit installation.
Considerations when upgrading:
Kisco does not support upgrades to the current release level when your current installed version is back level more than 2 levels. For example, if you are upgrading to release 8 and your current installed version is release 5 or earlier, Kisco will not support an upgrade. You can check your current installed version using option #5 on the INSTALL menu. If you find yourself in this situation, contact support at Kisco Systems.
Important: If you have previously installed other Kisco software or an earlier version of iFileAudit, check the /kiscocd folder in the IFS and make sure that it is empty before you get started.
Before you start your upgrade we recommend that you review the amount of history currently on file for your iFileAudit registered files. The upgrade installation may take a very long time if you have a lot of files registered and if there is a lot of history on file for some or all of the files. If you have files with a lot of history, consider purging those files before you start the upgrade. Also, if you have archived history when purging, you should remove the archive file members to backup tape before you start the upgrade as they will also need to be copied during the upgrade. The archive file is named FAANZARC in the library named FILAUD. DO NOT REMOVE the archive file, just the members.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are installing an upgrade and any problems occur during the upgrade installation process, DO NOT TRY TO RUN THE LODRUN AGAIN until the previous version has been recovered. Failure to do so could result in the complete loss of all history in your iFileAudit software. At the start of the upgrade, a save-file named SAVF is created in library FILAUDOLD which contains the entire contents of library FILAUD. You must restore the FILAUD library from this before you can attempt another upgrade. If you have any questions about this, please contact Kisco Information Systems support staff.
Special consideration #1: If you are upgrading to Release 6.04 or higher of iFileAudit and your current installed version is release level 6.03 or earlier, this special consideration applies to you. Starting with Release 6.03, the way security is enforced for iFileAudit has been changed. Prior to this change, any user with *SECOFR authority on their user profile could use iFileAudit. Users without *SECOFR could be added as Admin users in the End User Table (option #8 on the INSTALL menu) and non-Admin users could also be entered there. Non-Admin users are granted access to read audit information but not to make any changes to iFileAudit.
With this change, Admin users other than QSECOFR must be enrolled as product admins in the End User Table before they can make changes to iFileAudit settings and registrations. This change was made in to strengthen the security of the audit information being captured by iFileAudit.
After installing this upgrade, you should check option #8 on the INSTALL menu to make sure that all user profiles that work with the software are properly listed. To use option #8, you must have Admin permission or use the QSECOFR user profile.
Special consideration #2: If you are upgrading to Release 6.05 or higher of iFileAudit and your current installed version is release level 6.04 or earlier, this special consideration applies to you. Starting with Release 6.05, iFileAudit captures decimal point placement for all zoned and packed decimal fields. Following your upgrade and before you run any new file analysis processes, you MUST run a file conversion for the current information stored in iFileAudit. Instructions for this conversion are included in the Release 7 user's guide under the heading "Decimal Field History Conversion".
If you are using the Automatic Analysis feature in iFileAudit, make sure that you stop it (option #17 on the MASTER menu) before you start your upgrade. Use the WRKACTJOB command to verify that the IFILEAUDIT subsystem is not active.
If you have implemented the optional iFileAudit Browser Interface, make sure that the KISCOIFA HTTP server instance has been stopped before you start your upgrade.
Note: If you install using a user profile other than QSECOFR, your user profile will automatically be enrolled as an administrative user for iFileAudit. If you do not want administrative rights to the software, you can remove this registration once the software has been installed.
QVFYOBJRST - value 3 or lower
QFRCCVNRST - value 0
Note: If you have to change any of these system values, make note of the original setting and make sure that you set them back to the original setting immediately following this installation process.
MKDIR DIR(kiscocd)
Now drag and drop the file from the TEMP folder on your PC desktop into the right-hand box of the iSeries Navigator display. This will transfer these files into the folder.
Note: If you have installed other Kisco software or previous versions of iFileAudit, you will need to make sure that the current iFileAudit CD Image is the only one now active on your system. Use the WRKIMGCLG command and check the Image Catalog named KISCOCAT to make sure there is only one entry posted.
Where n is the number of the ASP you want to use. Do not use this command if you want to use the default system ASP.
If you want to just use the default system ASP, then you must run the following command at this time:
This will install the software on your system for your thirty day trial period. If you are doing an upgrade install on a system where iFileAudit is already installed, the upgrade process will halt after loading the new software to ask you if you want to do the file version updates interactively or in batch. If you are tracking a lot of files or you have a lot of history transactions on file, you may want to do the file updates in batch. Answer the prompt with a B if you want to run in batch or I if you want to run interactively now.
During the install processing, a document called "Additional Documentation Topics" will print. This includes the latest system changes and documentation since the last time the user manual was updated.
When you have completed your evaluation of iFileAudit, you may purchase a permanent installation copy by contacting us and arranging payment.
If you have just completed installing an upgrade of your already active license for iFileAudit, please contact Kisco and advise them that you have updated to a new release level. Let us know the specific version that you have just installed so we can keep our records current about your installation.