Kisco Systems
iFileAudit : Support : Product Enhancements + Features

The following is a list of recent changes and improvements made to iFileAudit. Most changes are made as the direct result of a customer request. If you have changes you would like to see made to iFileAudit, send E-mail to and we'll add your change to our list of possible implementations.

Register your E-mail address and receive automatic notification whenever there are changes to iFileAudit.

iFileAudit Recent Changes Log


iFileAudit Updates:

Release 8:

  • 8.04
    • Change so that IFA works in an IASP environment to enforce journal registration correctly.
    • All menus updated with new copyright date range
    • Bug fix - in a very rare situation, a specific field update could get missed and not tracked properly
  • 8.04
    • A data entry problem in Bluescape was fixed. On certain fields, if the field was already blank, all the blank characters would fill the data entry box making data entry difficult without first removing them.
    • A security issue was identified and corrected in Bluescape where a non-admin user could access the global settings.
    • An error message CPF9841 could be issued by the report generation process under certain unusual circumstance.
    • Version upgrades will now be stopped if the current installed version is earlier than release 6.
  • v8.01 - October 2022 - Bluescape in iFileAudit now supports customers who are using long passwords and pass phrases under password levels of 2 or higher.
  • NEW RELEASE: v8.0 now includes Kisco Bluescape web admin UI.

Release 7:

Release 6:

Release 5:

Release 4:

Release 3:

Release 2:

Release 7 updates:

Branding and contact information updated

Effective date: September 17, 2020

All brand references in the software and documentation along with contact information for sales and technical support have been updated.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF707. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. email to request the PTF.

Clear File Member tracking added.

Effective date: September 17, 2020

When a Clear File Member (CLRPFM) is run, many records can be deleted from a file all at once. Prior to this change, iFileAudit was not capturing these events. With this change, whenever a Clear File Member is processed against a registered file in iFileAudit, it will be recorded with all the information about who did it, what program was used and when it happened.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF705. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Improved Registration Display.

Effective date: September 14, 2020

Some customers have found that their application software updates will sometimes change the way file journalling is processed. This can stop iFileAudit from working correctly. To help see when this happens, the file registration display has been improved. If this happens, the *ACTIVE indicator in the list of registered files will be shown in yellow if the journal for the file no longer matches how the file is actually being journaled. This change has also been implemented in the registration list using the browser interface.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF704. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Security improvements.

Effective date: July 23, 2020

Security over use of data captured by iFileAudit has been improved. With these changes, users with *ALLOBJ access will not be allowed access to data unless they are enrolled in the table of authorized users for the software.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF703. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Optional tracking for file Open/Close operations.

Effective date: May 12, 2020

iFileAudit has been updated with an option at the individual file level that will allow you to track file Open and Close operations on the file.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF702. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Support Added for non-system ASP installation.

Effective date: February 6, 2020

Release 7 now allows for iFileAudit to be installed in an ASP other than the default system ASP. This allows customers to use an encrypted ASP to store the information extracted from their database files in a more secure location.

This update is available is available to all customer installing Release 7. A PTF is not available for this change.

Release 6 updates:

New processing option.

Effective date: March 29, 2018

A new option has been added to iFileAudit to stop any customer data from being processed in the QTEMP system library. On certain systems using hardware encrytion to protect data, the system ASP is unencrypted and customer data is not allowed in the QTEMP library. When activated, this option enforces a ban for customer data in the QTEMP library.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF611. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Extend option to view all field updates.

Effective date: December 7, 2017

This feature has been expanded by adding a new F8 function key on certain individual field update displays so that the user can switch to a display of all updates made at the same time on the record in question.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF610. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Source IP Address and Port Number fields added.

Effective date: January 30, 2017

At the request of a current customer, we have added two more fields to help identify where an update is processed from. The two new fields are the IP Address of the device where the update was processed from and the Port Number that was used.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF606. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Decimal field presentation change.

Effective date: December 26, 2016

Prior to this update, all zoned and packed decimal fields were presented in iFileAudit without any indication of where the decimal point (if any) was located. Following this update, these fields will all be displayed with the decimal point placement shown.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF605. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Program library named added.

Effective date: December 21, 2016

At the request of a current customer, we have added the Program library name to the information captured and tracked by iFileAudit for all field updates.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF604. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Security Improvements.

Effective date: December 8, 2016

All Admin user's of iFileAudit must now be enrolled in the End User Table as an Admin in order to use and control the software. QSECOFR is automatically considered to be an Admin.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF603. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Release 5 updates:

Field Selection Listing added.

Effective date: January 18, 2016

A new listing has been added to the software that will let you generate a listing of the field selection settings that you have configured for any file. The listing can be generated from the interactive maintenance screen or by using a new command.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF522. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Copy File Setup command added.

Effective date: April 23, 2015

Some customers register multiple copies of identical files from different libraries. For those customers where there are complex file configurations in place, this new command will simplify setting up these multiple files in iFileAudit by letting your configure on file in detail and the copy that setup to the other files using the command.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF518. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Allow non-*SECOFR user profile to administer iFileAudit.

Effective date: September 11, 2014

As originally shipped, iFileAudit can only be administered using a user profile with *SECOFR authority. With this change, a security officer can grant administration rights to a user profile that does not have *SECOFR authority on an individual user profile basis.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF517. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Filter tracking based on job name.

Effective date: August 13, 2014

You can now filter, or limit, the information being tracked based on the job name that made the database update. You can either limit the tracking to only updates made by specific jobs or you can exclude updates from specific jobs.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF515. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

View Registered Files option added.

Effective date: July 11, 2014

A new menu option has been added to the MASTER menu which allows authorize non-security officer users to view a list of files registered to iFileAudit and look at the transaction history captured for the files. This gives a better tool for review to users who do not have administrative rights to iFileAudit.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF514. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

File purge event tracking added.

Effective date: May 27, 2014

A new feature has now been implemented that will record a purge event in the iFileAudit analysis data. When a purge is run either from the menu option or by using the AUDPRG command, a new record will be added to the iFileAudit tracking file to indicate that the purge was run. It will capture the user profile that ran the purge, the date, time and job name that was used, the purge criteria that were specified and it will show the number of records that were purged from the analysis file.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF512. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Ability to show all field updates that happened at the same time.

... and New option when starting the Automatic File Analysis feature.

Effective date: September 4, 2013

When starting the Automatic File Analysis feature, you can now leave the specified start time blank if you are using the *IMMED option. The system will use the current time and base the analysis cycle time on the current time.

We have also added the ability to easily display all related updates together when looking at a specific field update. This will show you what other record values were changed, added or deleted when the field you are tracking was changed, added or deleted. This feature is available from either a terminal session display or from the web-enabled browser interface.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF508. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Filter tracking based on program name.

Effective date: December 7, 2012

You can now filter, or limit, the information being tracked based on the program name that was used to make the update. You can either limit the tracking to only updates made by specific programs or you can exclude updates from specific programs.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF505. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Group profile user selection support added.

Effective date: November 12, 2012

Prior to this change, iFileAudit allowed you to filter the transactions being traced by user profile so that you could either limit your tracking to just certain profiles or you could exclude tracking from certain profiles. With this change, the user profile filtering can now be done at the Group profile level in addition to individual user profiles.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF504. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

New command added for Read Trace Filter maintenance.

Effective date: August 15, 2012

A new command, ADDTRGFLT (Add Read Trace Filters), has been added to the product. This command will let customers add read trace filter records for a registered file from the command line or from within their own CL program.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF503. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Support Added for files with longer record keys.

Effective date: July 5, 2012

With the announcement of Release 5 of iFileAudit, files with record keys up to 128 characters in length are now supported by the product. Prior to this change, only the first 60 characters of long record keys were recognized.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF502. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Release 4 updates:

Support Added for BLOB (Binary Large Object) database fields.

Effective date: May 24, 2012

Based on a customer request, support has now been added for BLOB database fields. Because of the large size of the referenced object, iFileAudit does not show the actual field content. An indication, however, of the face that the field content has changed is reported.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF414. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Support Added for database fileds with UCS_2 Unicode Graphics fields.

Effective date: May 3, 2012

Based on a customer request, we have now added support to iFileAudit so that database files that contain UCS_2 Unicode Graphics data will be properly interpretted as character data within the software.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF413. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

User profile selection copy function added.

Effective date: December 7, 2011

Based on a customer request, we have added a new feature that lets you set up a single file with user profile selection criteria and the copy that configuration over to other files registered for tracking in iFileAudit.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF410. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

New support for secure HTTPS configuration for iFileAudit Web-Enablement feature

Effective date: August 10, 2011

Based on customer requests, we have now documented the process needed to create an HTTPS secure server instance when using the Web-Enabled browser interface for iFileAudit. This update is primarily improved documentation with minor object updates to the software.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF408. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Two new reports added.

Effective date: April 12, 2011

Based on customer requests, we have added two new report listings to iFileAudit. One report will create a listing of all registered files currently included for analysis purposes. The other report will list all notes on file for a selected database.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF405. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Purge process upgraded and improved.

Effective date: January 26, 2011

The purge process in iFileAudit that removes old records from the transaction history captured by the software has been improved. The new process runs more quickly and has improved recovery in the event of a failure while the purge is running.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF403. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Transaction Notes feature added.

Effective date: December 27, 2010

Several current and prospective customers have been asking us for the capability to attach notes to specific field updates and changes. This will help them document unusual file and field updates for use and reference by subsequent audits. We have now implemented this feature. From the detail history display, a new function key has been added that will allow you to attach a note to any update that has been captured by iFileAudit.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF402. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

File read tracking added for Release 4.

Effective date: September 24, 2010

Based on customer demand, a new feature has been added to iFileAudit that lets you track file read activity on a registered file.

This update is only available to current customers as a version upgrade. Contact Kisco Information Systems to request the upgrade materials and instructions.

Release 3 updates:

New output file options added to EXPFILINF command.

Effective date: May 3, 2010

Based on a customer request, two new options to the EXPFILINF (Export File Information) command that will give customers control over either adding to an existing output file or creating a new output file.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF311. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

New file activity type filters added.

Effective date: April 8, 2010

Based on a customer request, we have added four new file level filters for transaction update activity types. The four activity types are record adds, record changes, record deletes and management activity. When you initially install the PTF, all current activity will still be captured. But, with this change, you can selectively stop tracking all activity for each type on request. See the documentation that comes with the PTF for more detail.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF310. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Journal reset option enhanced.

Effective date: March 3, 2010

This PTF includes a change to the Work With File Registrations process. In prior releases, when a journal gets detached from a file by some event outside of iFileAudit's control, the '*ACTIVE' status shown in the file list is flagged with an alternate color, normally orange. By placing a '9' option next to the file, you could re-connect the file to the journal.

With this change, the journal reset will now also do a full file reset for the registered file and force iFileAudit to pick up the latest file definition and file key definition for analysis use purposes. This is based on the assumption that when a journal gets detached from the file, it is normally caused by the file being changed.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF309. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

New starting date option added for reporting and extract processing.

Effective date: September 16, 2009

When using the report features or export feature in iFileAudit, a starting date is always requested for the function. With this change, a new option has been added. When you specify a starting date of *WEEK, the start date for the process will be set to one week prior to when it is run.

These updates are all available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF305. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Access to reporting features for non-security officer profiles.

Effective date: July 13, 2009

Several customers have requested that iFileAudit make its extracted information available to end users who are not defined to the system as security officers. This has now been changed. With this new release, a security officer can maintain a table of end user profiles that should be allowed access to the display and reporting functions in iFileAudit. As of this change, this only applies to the terminal interface. The browser interface still requires a security officer for use.

These updates are all available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF302. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

iFileAudit Release 3 now available - with new browser interface.

Effective date: July 1, 2009

Release 3 of iFileAudit is now available. Release 3 includes a major upgrade to the product with the introduction of a browser-based web-enabled interface to the product.

This update is only available to current customers via direct update from CD or by web download. To request your upgrade, just let us know by email and we'll send the update to you right away. This update combines all of the changes made since the product's last major release and includes a complete update to the documentation manual. A second manual is also now available that concentrates on the web-enabled features.

Release 2 updates:

iFileAudit now adjusts to database changes automatically.

Effective date: June 22, 2009

A new release of iFileAudit made available today (Release 2.27) now automatically senses when changes have been made to a database that is being tracked by the software. When this happens, iFileAudit will now adjust itself to the new database including auditing new fields added, dropping fields that have been deleted and adjusting for changes made to specifications for fields already being tracked. Prior to this, a clumsy manual process was required when changes were made to a database that was being tracked.

These updates are all available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF227. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Customer control of default journal library added.

Effective date: April 30, 2009

Prior to this release level (2.24), when you specified a default journal for a file, the journal would be stored either in the iFileAudit application library or the library where the file object is stored. This approach created some customer problems with iFileAudit version upgrades and with journal management. With this release, iFileAudit gives the customer control over where the default journals are stored by separating them out into their own library. A conversion process will run during PTF installation for all currently registered files so that your current journals will continue to be used.

These updates are all available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF224. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Support added for VARCHAR data type fields.

and Export processing enhanced.

and Add option to unregister files from WRKIFAREGS command.

Effective date: March 31, 2009

All of these changes have recently been requested by customers and have now been implemented. Prior versions of iFileAudit provided some support for VARCHAR fields, this is now fully supports. The Export process has been enhanced to support processing *ALL or GENERIC* file selections similar to the way the reports are now processed. The Work With iFileAudit Status (WRKIFAREGS) command has been enhanced to allow for files to be unregistered when they are changed to inactive status.

These updates are all available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF222. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Journal stop and start activity now tracked.

Effective date: March 26, 2009

A customer requested that we add tracking on journal stop and start activity for each file registered to iFileAudit. This capability has now been added.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF221. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Reports can now be run from the Archive History data.

Effective date: January 30, 2009

Several customers have requested the ability to create reports based on archived history from the iFileAnalysis process. The archive is an option on the iFileAudit purge process. This feature is now available for all reports in iFileAudit as an option.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF218. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

File analysis scope limits by date and time.

Effective date: January 21, 2009

Some customers have expressed an interest in limiting the scope of the file analysis process in iFileAudit due to disk capacity constraints. To help with this, we have added new parameters to the file analysis process that allow you to only analyze up to a specific date and time. This allows the customer to run a large analysis in segments to avoid disk capacity issues on a system with limited disk resources.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF217. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Analysis performance improvements implemented.

Effective date: January 15, 2009

Based on customer feedback, we looked at the process for analyzing many files at once to see if processing efficiency could be improved. With this change, we have re-engineered the file analysis process. With these changes, when you run the file analysis for *ALL files in a library or for a GENERIC* file group in a library, the process will take less time to complete. The improvement will be especially dramatic for customers who have a large number of files defined and who are using shared file journals (multiple files using the same journal objects). The performance improvements have also been extended to include the Automatic Analysis process for those customers who have implemented that feature.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF216. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

File descriptions added to report headings.

Effective date: November 18, 2008

Based on a customer request, we have added the text description of the file being reported to the headings for all reports. This is in addition to the library name and file name. It makes reviewing reports a little easier, especially for non-IT resources.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF213. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Control over maintenance of alternate view files.

Effective date: July 31, 2008

iFileAudit uses several alternate view files for information display and reporting. Until now, these files were always built on-the-fly as needed and then discarded. A new feature now implemented allows you to maintain these alternate view files permanently. While this uses some additional overhead, it speeds to information display and reporting.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF211. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Reports enhanced with new headings and report summaries.

and ....

New field on Auto Analysis Status display.

Effective date: July 17, 2008

All printed reports in iFileAudit now include report headings that show the selection criteria that were used when the report was run. At the end of each report, a set of summary totals is also now printed.

Also with this release, the Automatic Analysis Status display is enhanced. To the right of the "Last analysis start time/date" fields, the date when this last analysis was started is also now shown.

These updates are available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF209. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Library and File selection prompts added during registration.

and ....

Option added to run current analysis during display feature.

Effective date: June 19, 2008

iFileAudit now supports a selection prompt for finding the library name and file name on your system. When registering new files, this makes finding the exact library and file name information easier.

Also, the display file analysis results in iFileAudit now supports an option to update the analysis with the most recent file information. This will let you display the most recent results by running a single step.

These updates are available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF206. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Analysis expanded to include rollback transactions.

Effective date: May 28, 2008

At the request of a customer, we have expanded the change analysis within iFileAudit to include rollback transactions. These were not processed in earlier versions of the product.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF204. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

Automatic Analysis process added.

Effective date: May 22, 2008

A key component of iFileAudit is the periodic analysis journals for registered files to extract file activity. Prior to this change, it was the customer's responsibility to see that this analysis process was done on a regular and timely basis. With the addition of this new Automatic Analysis process, iFileAudit now supports a batch process that will periodically run the analysis process for all registered files.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF203. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

New feature for manual key selection and specification.

Effective date: April 29, 2008

For some time now, iFileAudit has allowed you to manually specify a key structure for flat files that have no built-in key structure. With this change, iFileAudit will now let you choose a key structure from an logical file that is associated with your sequential flat file.

This update is available via the Internet as PTF package FAPTF202. Registered customers of iFileAudit can obtain this PTF as an E-mail attached file by just requesting it from us. Instructions for installing the PTF will be provided along with the file. To request the PTF, click on the E-mail link at the start of this page.

iFileAudit Release 2 now available.

Effective date: April 15, 2008

Release 2 of iFileAudit is now available.

This update is only available to current customers via direct update from CD. To request your upgrade CD, just let us know by email and we'll ship the update to you right away. This update combines all of the changes made since the product's original introduction and includes a complete update to the documentation manual.