The following is a list of reported problems about SafeNet/i. If you have a problem that is not covered here, ask us via E-mail and we'll answer your question.
SafeNet/i Release Independent Problem Reports:
SafeNet/i Release 11 Problem Reports:
SafeNet/i Release 10 Problem Reports:
SafeNet/i Release 9 Problem Reports:
SafeNet/400 Release 8 Problem Reports:
SafeNet/i Release Independent Problem Reports:
We are seeing a message in the system operator message queue that starts
with "* WARNING* The SafeNet Logging job is INACTIVE ....".
The full text of this message reads:
* WARNING* The SafeNet Logging job is INACTIVE and a dataq problem has occurred. See Second-Level Text for additional information.A problem with the SAFEQ data queue in library PCSECLIB has occurred. The SafeNet Logging job is not active and is operating in direct mode. System Performance may be impacted until this issue is resolved. Please verify the SAFELOGING subsystem has a SAFELOGING job active. Use PCSECLIB/STRTRP to activate SafeNet logging. If this message repeats itself in 1 hour, please contact your system administrator or Kisco Information Systems. - 002.It can be normal for this message to appear during a system IPL.
This message can be accompanied by degraded system-wide performance on your system.
This message can be issued for three reasons.
First, this can happen if the data queue is damaged. If this is the case, please refer to the following article already available on this page: Damaged Data Queue Recovery. This will resolve the issue if it is caused by a damaged data queue.
The second reason for this happening is if the data queue gets filled with transactions because the SAFELOGING system is not running or has stopped due to an error. If you have no SAFELOGING system running, start it using menu option #11 on the SN2 menu. If this is your situation, the problem should correct itself within about 30 minutes.
The last reason is that the data queue is filling up because of an unusually high number of network transactions needing to be logged. Even with the SAFELOGING system active, a single logging agent running may not be sufficient to process all the transactions. You can run additional agents by changing the setting in the CHGSPCSET command (option #2 on the SN2 menu). To make this change, you must first stop the SAFELOGING system, then make the change in CHGSPCSET and restart the SAFELOGING system. When it restarts, you should see more agents running. If you have been running a single agent, then we recommend that you try it with 2 and see if that corrects the situation.
I have created a PWRDWNCL program for pre-powerdown processing, but it does not
appear to be working.
Several customers have reported this problem. With the Pre-powerdown exit point registered and the specified PWRDWNCL program in place in library QGPL, the program was never getting called. After several goarounds with IBM, we have found out that there are some specific situations where the pre-powerdown exit point will NOT get called, as follows:
The SAFEQ dataque is critical to the proper working of SafeNet/400. If it gets damaged, for any reason, it must be deleted and immediately rebuilt. NOTE: When you delete the data queue, you may get errors from network applications until the new data queue is in place. You should consider doing this procedure at a time when little or no network activity is happening on your system.
There are two different procedures for this depending on the version of SafeNet/400 that you have installed. Check the library named PCSECLIB for a *PGM object named BLDSAFEQ. If this object exists, then use Procedure A. If it does not exist, then use Procedure B.
Procedure A
Several customers have reported this issue to us. We have been in touch with IBM on several occasions about it and are somewhat frustrated by what they are telling us. The Remote Command server is not supposed to be called during 5250 terminal emulation initiation. The CWBUNPLA error points, however, to an exit point problem but IBM has been unable to give us a satisfactory explanation as of yet.
The following is the latest information that we have from IBM concerning this problem:
Under some conditions (depending on the parts of Client Access installed on the client) the first connection to a 400 requires two calls to the remote command server. All subsequent 5250 starts will NOT call the command server. However, this is entirely dependant on the CA version installed, the OS version installed and the service pack level installed on the client. IBM cannot tell us which parts, versions or service packs cause this. Their response is, allow *PUBLIC access to the command server, limit the program call (objects) that can be access to only the following objects:The following is a regerence to the IBM support website for more information:
The workaround solution for our customers is to activate *PUBLIC to the RMTSRV. If you do not have an unlimited user license, then each terminal user should be authorized to use RMTSRV. Then allow *PUBLIC (or each user) to access the two program objects.
Keep watch on this space for updated information about this problem. The above information is as of June 12, 2001.
SafeNet/i Release 11 Problems:
No changes to exit point processes are included in this update
A PTF is available as package PCPTF1162. E-mail us an request the PTF package. You must have release 11.61 already installed on your system.
A PTF is available as package PCPTF1163. E-mail us an request the PTF package. You must have release 11.62 already installed on your system.
Version 11.61 includes several minor fixes:
A PTF is available as package PCPTF1161. E-mail us an request the PTF package. You must have release 11.60 already installed on your system.
Corrected a bug when copying access rules from one user profile to another. The updated process merges rules when copying to a pre-existing profile.
A PTF is available as package PCPTF1159. E-mail us an request the PTF package. You must have release 11.58 already installed on your system.
This release requires OS 7.3 or higher.
Fixes for SNREVIEW WebCentral and out of sync indexes
1. Corrected bug in SNREVIEW WebCentral date filtering.
2. Corrected user indexes out of sync to PCACCESU after upgrades.
A PTF is available as package PCPTF1158. E-mail us an request the PTF package. You must have release 11.57 already installed on your system.
The On-Line Transaction Testing process (PCTESTR) could fail on certain DDM transactions. This has been corrected.
The Remove a User Setup (RMVSNUSR) could fail under certain conditions with an error indicating that a library is missing. This has been corrected.
A PTF is available as package PCPTF1152. E-mail us an request the PTF package. You must have release 11.51 already installed on your system.
Changes for Cyrillic language systems
When installed on a system running with Cyrillic characters (CCSID 1025), there were some issues with controlling which users could administer the software. This has now been fixed.
A PTF is available as package PCPTF1151. E-mail us an request the PTF package. You must have release 11.50 already installed on your system.
Non-display characters in REXLOGON process
On some systems, the REXLOGON process could generate non-display characters in the SafeNet/i Transaction History file. This could then cause the On-Line Transaction Review and On-Line Transaction Testing to fail. This has now been fixed.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1117. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Performance under high transaction volume.
Some customers reported high CPU load on systems running SafeNet/i under high transaction loads.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1116. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When an SQL script was run with a call to a CL command and that command included a library reference of *ALL, SafeNet/i could cause the application to hang in a loop.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1113. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When viewing IFS Path Rules, some of the rules are missing even though I can confirm that they are on file.
We discovered as a result of our own ongoing product testing that some rules were not appearing in the list of path rules shown. This has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1115. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are seeing some SafeNet/i dumps with error SFN0005 when running SQL processes.
A new SQL op code, "WITH", was recently added to the IBM i OS implementation of SQL. We have now made changes to SafeNet/i to accommodate this new statement.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1109. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When I ran the Remove Unknown Users option, we lost our registered Administrators.
We found an intermitent issue with this process and it has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1108. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We have my system configured to reject certain socket transactions, but they are not being rejected.
We found that a change made to SafeNet/i in a recent update (Release 11.06) created a situation where certain socket rejections were not getting processed correctly and being accepted rather than being rejected. This has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1107. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
A recursive call issue and a performance issue.
A recursive call in program P34IPS3 has been corrected. We have also identified an issue with SQL Stored Procedures creating issues, especially with IBM's WebQuery product. This results in very poor performance. This has also been fixed.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1106. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Two fixes have been implemented for SafeNet/i V11 as follows:
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1105. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Exit point performance improvement.
Performance for exit point authentication has been improved across the board based on feedback from early users for SafeNet/i V11.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1104. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Issues with socket exit points.
Two issues cropped up with the new socket exit points under certain obscure conditions. One would result in an MCH3601 error code and the other could report a recursive call error with program object SUBCHK1. Both of these are now corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1103. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/i Release 10 Problems:
FTP access requests are being rejected even though the user is a super-user in SafeNet/i.
We found that when a user was registered in SafeNet/i as a super-user, they could still get rejected for FTP access. A temporary solution is to authorize the profile specifically, but with this PTF update, the original issue is now corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1050. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Several minor issues corrected.
The following issues have now been addressed:
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1049. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
FTP Client is failing after connecting to a remote system.
We found that under certain rare circumstances, FTP Client operations could fail following a successful connection. This has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1048. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I deleted a user from SafeNet/i, but they are still showing as an admin.
A customer reported this issue. When a user profile was removed from SafeNet/i, it was not checking to see if they were also registered as an admin for SafeNet/i. This has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1047. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SQL Parsing issue and a problem with the SafeNet/i Purge.
A customer reported a problem with SQL interpretation where SafeNet/i was checking object security against an SQL string that did not refer to an object. Also, a different customer reported that when they ran the SafeNet/i Transaction History Purge process, they specified that deleted records were to be removed, but they were not actually getting removed.
Both of these issues have now been identified and corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1045. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The following issues have also been addressed with PTF PCPTF1043 (release 10.43):
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1043. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are seeing object security issues with an SQL INSERT statement.
We found that when an SQL INSERT statement included an embedded SELECT statement, SafeNet/i was performing the object access checking on the SELECT statement, not on the INSERT. This has now been changed so that object security is performed on the INSERT statement.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1043. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
An admin function is being allowed for a non-admin user.
In certain rare circumstances, this could happen. The admin functions have now all been changed to always validate based on the current user, not the job user.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1042. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The following issues have now been fixed in SafeNet/i:
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1041. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The change user profile process for certain customers is failing intermittently.
Following a problem report from a customer, we found that on some systems with users profiles that own a very large amount of data (in excess of 9,999,999,997 characters), the change user profile exit point process could fail. This was caused by a mismatch in how large binary numbers are handled between the OS and RPG and has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1038. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are controlling DDM access by system name and are getting intermittent incorrect authorization results.
Following a problem report from a customer, we found that on some systems where the control of DDM access by system name is used, some incorrect authorization results could happen. Very few customers use this option. If you are not using this option on the CHGSPCSET command settings, you do not need to be concerned about this as a security issue. All customers, however, are encouraged to get and install the fix.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1037. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Following an IBM i OS upgrade, the change user profile process is failing intermittently.
The IBM i OS exit point for user profile updates has undergone several parameter shifts in recent OS level releases. We have now updated the exit point to properly deal with this change in the IBM i OS.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1036. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Some users now have access to spool files that they should not be able to view.
We found that customers running the IBM i OS level 7.2 and some release levels of 7.1 could experience this issue. We have traced it to an inconsistency in the way the IBM exit point works and after conferring with IBM, we have made adjustments in the new spool file control exit process in SafeNet/i. A PTF has been issued for SafeNet/i that we strongly recommend that all customers adopt.
Included with this update is a change to the Telnet exit point process to eliminate a problem that some customers reported with connections remaining active after they are disconnected.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1034. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are seeing issues in program PCCL01A when making password changes in our Power HA environment.
Based on a report from a single customer running Power HA on their system, we found that there was a multi-thread issue requiring a program to be changed. This has now been completed.
Included with this update is a change to option #2 on the SN6 menu that allows you to work with a non-standard journal library for SafeNet/i journals.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1033. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We no longer see the SSL status information in the Transaction History display for our Telnet connections.
We found that there was a recent specification change from IBM for the exit point data stream that resulted in a shift in the character position for the SSL information. This has been corrected and at the same time we updated our code to start capturing IPv6 status information for Telnet connections.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1032. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We found an SFN0003 String Error message in the QSYSOPR message queue.
One customer reported this problem which is related to an issue in the *REXEC server process. A string interpretation error occured which has now been corrected.
Note: Installation of this PTF requires that the *REXEC and *FTP servers be ended and restarted once the PTF has been installed.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1031. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I sometimes get a RNQ1255 error when viewing the Super Users.
We found that this error could be issued on a terminal session when a read-only administrator user profile is trying to display the list of Super User profiles on the system and there are no such Super Users enrolled. This issue has now been fixed.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1030. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When viewing transaction details from the On-Line Transaction Review, it sometimes files with a device error.
Some customers reported this issue to us. On certain exit points and certain obscure transaction types, some invalid display data could get passed from the exit point data stream. We have now fixed the problem so that the Review session will not fail.
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1029. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Another set of minor fixes - see details.
The following problems have now been corrected:
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1028. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Several more minor fixes - see details.
The following problems have now been corrected:
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1027. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Several minor fixes - see details.
The following problems have now been corrected:
PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF1026. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are seeing some problems with the reporting generated by the Transaction History File purge process.
A customer reported two issues with the purge to us, both of which have now been fixed. Under certain circumstances, the output reports from the purge process were not getting generated. Additionally, on systems with date formats other than *MDY, some dates on the purge report were being incorrectly formatted.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1022. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When using FTP, we are getting an object rejection even though it should be accepted.
After investigating this issue, we found that it only applies to customers who are still using *SHORT path name support. You can check how your system is set by prompting the CHGSPCSET command or running menu option #2 on the SN1 menu. A fix for this problem is now available for affected customers.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1021. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Incorrect information is reported on the SafeNet/i Executive Summary Report.
A customer contacted us and reported that the oldest transaction date and time information being reported on the Executive Summary Report (when run in *DETAIL mode) was sometimes incorrect. This has now been fixed. Along with this fix, the Excutive Summary Report has also now been enhanced to report new configuration settings that were introduced in SafeNet/i with release 10.11.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1020. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/i is rejecting a transaction that looks like it should be accepted.
A customer reported this to us. Testing locally based on their complex set of rules that included public and group profile permissions, we discovered a problem in the rules application sequencing. This has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1019. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/i reported a transaction as rejected, but the affected database was updated.
A customer reported this to us. After exhaustive testing, we found that under a very unusual situation, SafeNet/i could report a transaction as rejected when, in fact, it was allowed to process. The circumstances where this can happen would mean that SafeNet/i was running with the SAFELOGING subsystem deactivated (which is not recommended) and that data queue that collects transaction results filled up. In that situation, SafeNet/i switches to direct logging, bypassing the data queue process. In direct logging, it was possible for some server transactions that should reject to be actually accepted while still being reported in SafeNet/i as rejections.
Because of the potential for a security exposure, Kisco is strongly recommending that all current customer update immediately to the latest release level.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1018. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are seeing missing user profile descriptions on some administrative reports.
After having this reported by a customer, we found that the list of SafeNet/i Administrators and the list of SafeNet/i Super Users was not picking up the correct user profile text information. In fact, it was reporting them as if they did not exist on the system. This has now been corrected with this PTF.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1017. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Purge process can fail on certain systems.
We found that the purge process could fail on systems using a default date format other than *MDY when a day range was selected. This has now been fixed.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1016. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
On some transactions, we are seeing different results in production when compared to the test results from the PCTESTR process.
A customer reported getting different results in product from what they were seeing during their testing using the OnLine Transaction Testing process (PCTESTR). We found one area where this could happen and have now corrected it so that both processes produce the same results.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1014. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
After installing PTF PCPTF1012, we are seeing some new rejections in the Showcase product.
We discovered that an RNX0100 error was occuring in the Showcase exit point process within SafeNet/i. This has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1013. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
After upgrading to Showcase Release 10, I am seeing some new rejections in the Showcase product.
A customer reported this to us when previously working Showcase processes were failing following the upgrade of SafeNet/i.
We discovered that an RNX0115 error was actually occuring in the Showcase exit point process within SafeNet/i. This has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1012. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Several issues related to the Showcase exit point.
We recently had two independent issues reported to us from customers using the Showcase product and using SafeNet/i for access control through the Showcase Exit point.
One customer reported that the correct Showcase server ID was not being properly enforced by SafeNet/i. We have traced this to a problem with the exit point registration program in SafeNet/i and it has now been fixed.
Another customer, who recently upgraded to Showcase release 9.1, reported that when they used the On-Line Transaction Review process in SafeNet/i to review Showcase transactions, it would sometimes fail. This has been traced to the fact that several non-essential fields in the Showcase Exit Point data stream have been rearranged and this was causing the SafeNet/i review process to fail. It has now been corrected. This Showcase data stream change does not affect SafeNet/i's ability to enforce access security.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1010. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Some *FILESRV transactions do not show the file path in the Security Report (PRTSECRPT).
On some customer systems, the path statement was not always showing up on the PRTSECRPT Security Report when *FILESRV transactions were included. This has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1009. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The On-Line Transaction Review is failing intermittently with a RNQ0100 error code.
We found that on at least one customer's system, the path string used by the *FILESRV exit point contained garbage in the path string. This was sometimes causing the On-Line Transaction Review to fail with an error code of RNQ0100. This has now been fixed.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1008. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The On-Line Transaction Tester is giving strange results.
A recent PTF apparently introduced a problem with this program. It has now been fixed.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1007. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The CVTSECJRN command is failing with a CPF0001 error.
We found a parameter sizing issue with the SNDDST command used with this process that could happen on some customer systems. It has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1006. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are getting a strange object name from an SQL validation process in SafeNet/i.
The customer sent us the SQL strings that was causing this issue and we made some minor adjustments to our SQL parsing routine. It now properly identifies the objects in use by this complex SQL statement.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1005. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We have a very large Transaction History file and some of the reports are taking a very long time to run.
After looking into the customer's issue, we found some simple engineering changes that we could make in SQL that would speed up the report processing in certain instances.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1004. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When running the SQL Utilization Report, we are getting an RNX0100 error.
A customer reported an issue with the SQL report failing with a very unusual SQL statement that included multiple very long comment area. This has now been corrected. Note: The commend included more than 40,000 characters!
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1003. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are getting a date conversion error in the ALERTWATCH program when starting the Alerts process.
.... and When running the SQL Utilization Report, we are getting an RNQ0202 error.
A customer reports that the Alerts process was failing on his system that was running with a system date format of *DMY. This has now been corrected.
Another customer reported an issue with the SQL report failing with a very unusual SQL statement that included a very long comment area. This too has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF1002. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/i Release 9 Problems:
The SQL Usage Report is failing sometimes with RNQ0202.
We have found and corrected a problem that could cause this error when running this report.
PTF correction is now available to fix this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF911. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are not able to use the SafeNet/i Administrator functions.
Based on input from a new customer, we discovered that they SafeNet/i Administrator accounts would not work as designed on certain systems with non-English language groups. This worked on some such systems, but was a problem on others. It has now been fixed so that the Administrator functions work regardless of the language implementation on the system.
This PTF also includes a new feature, please see that section of the support page for more information.
PTF correction is now available to fix all of these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF909. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are seeing profile swapping errors intermittently issued in the SafeNet/i Transaction History Log.
Based on a customer complaint, we found an intermittent issue with profile swapping that affected only certain types of transactions. This has now been fixed.
This PTF also includes a change in the way user access to objects in libraries QSYS and QGY are processed. When installing this PTF, please check the PTF documentation before you update your SafeNet/i installation.
PTF correction is now available to fix all of these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF908. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The On-Transaction Review is not showing the correct command string information.
We found that in some cases, when a remote command string is submitted, it is not being shown correctly by the On-Line Transaction Review. This has now been corrected.
PTF correction is now available to fix all of these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF907. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
CL Command listing fails in auto enrollment mode.
.... and ...
*NDB exit point is failing with MCH0603 in TRAPO6RS program.
We found that the CL Command listing, when the auto enrollment option was specified, contained an incorrect lookup for the Admin status of the user profile. This has been corrected.
The *NDB exit point has recently been upgraded by IBM to allow for up to 100 libraries in the library list. The SafeNet/i exit program has now been expanded to meet this new capacity setting.
PTF correction is now available to fix all of these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF906. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Several minor fixes - see details.
Customers reported the following issues that have all now been addressed:
PTF correction is now available to fix all of these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF905. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Customers reported the following issues that have all now been addressed:
PTF correction is now available to fix all of these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF904. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The On-Line Transaction Tester function sometimes fails with an RNX0100 error.
We found that certain specific transaction formats could cause this to happen on some customer systems due to an unusual field length factor. It has now been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF903. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am getting an MCH3401 error when running the CHGUSRPRF command.
On some customer systems, this can happen when running the CHGUSRPRF command from the command line. The error message references the program named GETSEC in SafeNet/i.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF902. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/400 Release 8 Problems:
An SQL statement is showing up incorrectly in the SafeNet/400 log.
On a customer's system, an SQL network request from iSeries Access was malformed causing this issue. We have now modified SafeNet/400 to adjust for the malformed SQL statement so that it deals with it correctly.
A PTF correction is now available to fix the problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF8B7. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When using the ADDUSRSRV command, the logging level is defaulting to R.
We found that the default value for this process was incorrectly set. We have now changed it to A to match the way it works from the WRKUSRSRV process.
A PTF correction is now available to fix the problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF8B6. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am seeing some unusual SQL commands in the transaction history.
A customer reported unusual parsing issues on the SQL command, COMMENT ON. Another customer reported that some SQL remote commands were showing differently on different systems. Both issues have been traced to SQL parsing issues in SafeNet/400 and have now been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to fix the problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF8B5. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am getting a substring error in program TRAPO6RS on a report.
We discovered a problem with this on certain DDM commands with string lengths in excess of 120 characters. The problem has now been corrected along with a parsing issue also in DDM.
A PTF correction is now available to fix the problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF8B4. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When running the SafeNet/400 Security Report by User, it sometimes fails with a RNX0100/RNQ0100 error.
A customer reported this issue to us and we traced it to an SQL statement that was passed through the SQL exit point with a statement length factor in excess of 169,000 characters. We have now updated SafeNet/400 to deal with this length statement more gracefully when encountered during report processing.
A PTF correction is now available to fix the problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF8B1. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Even though we are using Super User settings, we have an application that is having performance issues.
Some customers who have very network intensive applications running have reported performance issues that appear to be related to SafeNet/400. For these customers, they have the user profile for the problem application logged in SafeNet/400 as a Super User, but there are still performance issues that traces seem to indicate a SafeNet/400 issue.
We have examined the trace information from these customers and have now made several adjustements in the way Super Users are checked with different special settings. There is additional documentation that is distributed with the PTF for this fix that clarifies how to use this change.
A PTF correction is now available to fix the problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF8B0. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When I run the PRTSNADM command from the command line, it fails.
We found that some library settings in the *CMD object were incorrect when last issued.
A PTF correction is now available to fix the problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A9. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
After installing the latest Showcase version, SafeNet/400 is failing.
... and ...
I am seeing an error message when trying to copy SafeNet/400 rules using the CYPSNUSR command.
The latest version of the Showcase exit point requires that the exit program be registered differently than other exit programs registered by SafeNet/400. Failure to do this can result in RNX8888 and RPG0202 errors during exit program processing. This is now corrected.
Also, an error was being incorrectly issued when running the Copy SafeNet User/Authorities (CPYSNUSR) command indicating that special authorization to use the command was required. This is now fixed.
A PTF correction is now available to fix these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A8. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The SafeNet/400 logging process is generating dumps in the QEZDEBUG output queue.
After checking this, we found that an RNX0100 error was being issued from the SafeNet/400 logging process (WRITETRAP) when certain very long SQL strings were processed for logging purposes. These strings are in excess of 60,000 characters in a single SQL statement. The logging process is not failing, but some logged information may not be properly recorded.
A PTF correction is now available to fix the problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A7. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am seeing object rejections for objects named with numerics.
We found that certain SQL statements that included date parameters were getting incorrectly parsed as object names. This has now been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to fix the problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A6. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/400 is rejecting some data queue server requests, but they should be accepted.
and ...
Showcase is failing in SafeNet/400 on a threadsafe error.
Based on a problem at a customer, we found that one specific data queue server request type could be incorrectly identified by SafeNet/400. This has now been corrected.
We also found another place in the Showcase exit point where a threadsafe error could be found. This has also been corrected. This only appears to apply to the most recent release of the Showcase server.
A PTF correction is now available to fix both problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A5. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are seeing threadsafe errors when using Showcase on our system.
and ...
An SQL statement is getting parsed incorrectly.
We have identified both of these issues that were reported to us by customers.
A PTF correction is now available to fix both problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A4. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I have a specific long path file authorized to a user, but it keeps getting rejected.
We found that a specific file could be authorize but an earlier global path statement that is more restrictive could cause a rejection. We have adjusted the sequence of path statement checking to avoid this issue in the future.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A3. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When I activated SafeNet/400, we started getting rejections that did not show up on reports beforehand.
SafeNet/400 should automatically accept accesses to QSYS and QGY libraries, but in some cases we found that this was not happening per design specifications. We have now corrected this.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A2. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am using the Twitter alert notification, but it stopped working.
Twitter recently changed its method of client authentication to use OAuth. We have now changed the Twitter interface to use this new method. The new method requires that you create a digital certificate on your system and assign it to our application. Specific instructions on how to set this up are available on request from Kisco Information Systems.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A1. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Incorrect library/object names are being shown for the *NDB server.
and ...
When I run the purge for zero days, nothing at all gets removed from the history file.
When reporting information from the *NDB server, the On-Line Transaction Review (option #9 on the SN2 menu) was reporting incorrect library/object identification information on OVRDBF and DLTOVR commands. This has now been identified and corrected.
Also, a problem was identified with the purge that was causing incorrect activity when selecting to purge for zero days.
A PTF correction is now available to fix these problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF8A0. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The On-Line Transaction Review is showing incorrect library/object information.
When reporting information from the *NDB server, the On-Line Transaction Review (option #9 on the SN2 menu) was reporting incorrect library/object identification information on OVRDBF and DLTOVR commands. This has now been identified and corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF899. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am seeing some duplicate records in the outfile data stream from the SQL Usage Report.
We discovered that under certain circumstances, duplicate records could get selected when running this report using the *OUTFILE option.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF898. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The SQL Usage report seems to eat up a lot of disk space while it is running.
... and
The IFS Path Usage report fails with an index array error.
The SQL Usage report has been re-engineered to use a smaller work file while processing. This results in a significant reduction in the amount of space used to prepare the report.
A customer reported an intermittent problem with an index array error when running the IFS Path Usage report. This has now been identified and correcter.
A PTF correction is now available to address both of these problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF897. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When running the SQL Usage report to an out-file, the process fails on a full output file.
... and
The object name for an object level authorization has extra characters in it.
We found that when a remote SQL statement was submitted with carriage returns imbedded by the client application (normally done for readability), then SafeNet/400 was not seeing the carriage returns correctly.
Also, we found a coding problem on the program that creates the out-file on the SQL Usage report that, when used with a large number of record could create a problem with the output file filled.
A PTF correction is now available to address both of these problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF896. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I have a user set up to only log rejections for FTP, but most transactions are still getting logged.
We found that under certain conditions, FTP transactions were not getting suppressed from logging. This was happening for both the FTP Server and FTP Client exit points. It has now been changed so that the logging setting for the user is correctly observed.
A PTF correction is now available to address this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF894. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When I run the purge process on my system, it fails with a decimal data error.
We found that when the purge process was run on a system using the DMY date format, it could fail in this way.
A PTF correction is now available to address this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF893. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Issues resolved at this time include the following:
A PTF correction is now available to address these issues. They are in PTF package PCPTF892. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Showcase is failing on my system indicating a recursive call to the SAFENETC program.
and ... The FTP Usage report is missing some user transactions when run for the specific profile.
We found that a change made in Showcase was causing this problem. We have updated our exit program to eliminate the recursive call situation.
The FTP Usage report was not always showing the FTP Client transaction activity for a specific user when run for that user.
A PTF correction is now available to address these issues. They are in PTF package PCPTF891. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The Object Usage Report is showing wrong object authority information.
and ... The FTP report is not showing FTP Client PUT and GET transactions.
The object useage report has been changed to properly report the object authority information.
Also, we have corrected the FTP report to include the FTP Client PUT and GET transactions that were previously being dropped from the report.
A PTF correction is now available to address these issues. They are in PTF package PCPTF890. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am seeing discrepancies between test results using reports and the On-Line Transaction Tester.
and ... I configured IP address checking to reject a specific address, but it does not seem to be working.
We found several situations where a transaction would show as accepted on the reports but the On-Line Transaction Tester reported a rejection. We have now identified the reasons behind these discrepancies and corrected them.
Also, we found a problem in the interpretation of IP addresses when a rejection was configured. This has also now been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to address these issues. They are in PTF package PCPTF889. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The CL Command Usage Report is missing some commands.
For systems running V5R3 or V5R4 of the IBM i/OS, we found that some CL commands were not getting selected for this report. They appear when running the full audit report (PRTSECRPT, option #1 on the SN4 menu) but not on the CL Usage Report (PRTCLUSG, option #6). This has now been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF888. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The On-Line Transaction Tester is not showing object details for some *FILESRV transactions.
When a *FILESRV was rejected due to the user not being authorized for the server, the object detail was not being shown. We have now made a specification change to this program so that it will always show the object detail, even when it is not rejecting because of object access reasons.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF887. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am getting incorrect results when my user exit program is registered to SafeNet/400.
SafeNet/400 lets you register your own exit program that is called following SafeNet/400's security checking. We found that under certain circumstances, the pass/fail code in SafeNet/400 was not getting setup correctly when a user exit program was processing.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF886. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/400 is not properly identifying a library name in the SQL server.
and ....
Some objects used by DDM and the Data Queue server are not showing object controls.
Both of these problems were recently reported to us from a customer. Certain SQL formats were not properly identifying library names and certain transactions recorded for the DDM server and the Data Queue server were not showing the object controls in SafeNet/400.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF885. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
FTP is failing with a parameter mismatch in a SafeNet/400 program.
We found a program in the library that we distribute new installs to was at an incorrect release level. This has now been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF884. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
A file name showing in SafeNet/400 for FILESRV is incomplete.
We found that certain long file names were getting truncated in SafeNet/400. This has now been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF883. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am getting an RNX0100 error in the WRITETRAP program.
A customer reported this issue when processing an SQL statement with a length in excess of 60,000 characters. We have now fixed the product so that it no longer fails.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF882. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SQL does not allow us to control the DROP PROCEDURE statement.
We have added this statement to the list of SQL statements that can be controlled by user profile. In addition, this release level also changes the deactivation process so that any user profile that is registered to SafeNet/400 as a Super Admin can run the deactivation. Also, a minor problem with the Executive Summary report is fixed to correctly count the number of members in the current archive file.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF881. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The On Line Transaction Review is not working on my system.
We recently did a complete re-engineering for the On Line Transaction Review (option #9 on the SN2 menu). We discovered that when you system is configured for a date format of either *YMD or *YDM, the process would fail. It has now been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF880. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Some remote commands are allowed to run when no rules are set up allowing them.
We found that certain command in the QSYS library were being allowed to run even though the user profile was not authorized to them. A recent PTF allowed this, but it is now corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF879. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The joblog for our FTP jobs is missing information.
Based on a customer inquiry, we found that the exit program in SafeNet/400 for both the FTP Client and FTP Server functions was clearing the joblog periodically. This has been changed so that the joblog contents will be preserved.
A PTF correction is now available to address this issue. It is in PTF package PCPTF878. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
On-Line Transaction Review showing garbled data for Remove Execution Server.
A customer running i/OS 6.1 reported this problem to us. There is an apparent change in the way the OS handles CCSID information for this exit point. We have now updated SafeNet/400 to properly handle different CCSID information.
A PTF correction is now available to address both issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF877 which also includes a new feature. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Two important engineering changes made.
During normal operations, to improve general system performance, SafeNet/400 routes logging information through a data queue. This data queue is then processed by the jobs running in the SAFELOGING subsystem. However, some problems can crop up when the data queue fills up or becomes damaged. Prior to this change, the recovery process for this situation could cause problems for some customers. With this PTF, the recovery process has been strengthened and less intrusive.
Also, with the constant expansion of the use of SQL by client applications interacting with the System i, more and more complex SQL string constructs are presented to SafeNet/400 for processing. We have found that, sometimes, a completely new SQL construct will create a programming issue within SafeNet/400. To date, we have been quite successful at reacting to these new situations and issuing PTF corrections to the software, but these errors can create processing problems for our customers.
To alleviate this situation, we have made another engineering change to the SafeNet/400 software with this PTF. SafeNet/400 will now recognize when this happens and trap diagnostic information for the SafeNet/400 developers, but processing will continue without interruption. An operator notification is made so the customer can followup and address the issue.
A PTF correction is now available to address both issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF876 which also includes a new feature. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am getting an RNX0100/RNQ0100 error in program TRAPO6R.
This problem was reported by two customer, one while running the SafeNet/400 Security Report, the other while running the file purge process. We have now identified and corrected the root problem that was causing both issued.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF875. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am still having a problem with SQL after installing PCPTF873.
After issuing the PTF, we discovered that the fix was not correctly bound into one of the affected program objects. A fix for this has now been completed.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF874. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/400 is issuing a program error on a complex SQL statement.
We found that with certain comples SQL statements, SafeNet/400 could end with an index array error.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF873. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I received a CPF4101 error in the WRITETRAP program.
A customer reported this problem after having SafeNet/400 running without any issues for quite some time. We found that some code we had inserted to deal with an exception situation was failing when that exception condition was active. This is now corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF872. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Seeing error message RNX0100/RNQ0100 from program SAFENET.
We discovered, based on information from a customer, that when a user submitted an incorrectly formed CHGSQLA command, this error could be issued. It is now corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF869. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
A user access is being accepted, but we have set the profile up to always reject.
Based on a customer report, we found that when a user profile was set to R to reject transactions, but that same user was part of a group that was set to be accepted, including the public group, then the transaction was being accepted by SafeNet/400. We have now changed SafeNet/400 to conform to the documentation. This form of user profile rejection is rarely used by our customers.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF868. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The data queue server is issuing SafeNet/400 rejections, but there are no application issues being reported.
We have identified some applications in the OS that are passing blank data queue object names through the exit point data stream under certain rare circumstances. These are getting reported by SafeNet/400 as rejections. The product has now been changed to record these as accepted transactions so you will be able to see the transaction activity, but no rejection will be issued.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF867. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am getting rejections in DDM for objects and commands that are properly authorized in SafeNet/400.
IBM has been making changes to DDM code in the OS recently that have introduced a series of issues with the data stream being passed through the exit point. Some of these problems have been addressed through PTFs from IBM for the OS at various OS levels. Others were most easily fixed for our customers through a coding change to SafeNet/400. The problems all result for extraneous null characters (X'00') showing up in the exit point data stream as passed from the OS to SafeNet/400. On the error displays, these end up showing as blank characters.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF866. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When attempting an FTP session, I'm getting error code MCH0802 in a SafeNet/400 program.
There was a parameter mismatch in our program due to a recent unrelated program change. This has now been fixed.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF864. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When I update the email address for notification messages, it sometimes does not work.
I'm getting a rejection on an SQL CREATE that does not appear to be right.
We found a problem in the email address update process. It has now been corrected.
We found a parsing issue with the SQL CREATE verb when the LIKE option is used. This has also been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to fix both of these problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF861. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When using FTP Client set to server level 4, I don't always get the right rules implementation.
SafeNet/400's automatic signon fails sometimes.
For the FTP Client issue, we found a problem in our implementation when used with long path names. The new PTF below corrects for this.
For the auto signon issue, we found that when used on a system with Kerberos implemented, the exit routine will sometimes return a bad value. We have now corrected for this issue.
A PTF correction is now available to fix both of these problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF860. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am unable to remove an active exit point from SafeNet/400.
The report process fails when I try to run the SQL Usage report.
We found that an incorrect version of a program needed for the exit point removal process was being distributed with new installs. Also, we found an artificial size restriction on the SQL Usage report when a very large report needed to be created.
A PTF correction is now available to fix both of these problems. It is in PTF package PCPTF859. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Program SAFENET is issuing a very intermittent error code of RNQ0121.
When a customer uses Supplemental Group Profiles and includes twelve or more of them on a single user profile, this problem could happen with the RNQ0121 error being issued. It could also be issued from the SAFENETC program. Both situations are now fixed.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF858. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When starting the On-Line Transaction Tester, I'm getting a program error.
We found that running the On-Line Transaction Tester following a completed migration of SafeNet/400 from the Release 7 level of installation, this feature could sometimes fail. We have now fixed it.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF857. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When viewing an SQL rejection, I tried to add authorization to a SELECT statement, but the user ended up authorized for ALL SQL statements.
We found that under certain circumstances, an incorrect SQL statement authorization could get generated when using the prompt from the rejection review process. This has now been fixed.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF856. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Error CPF5004 is being issued during the purge function.
When the purge was run on a system with a very large amount of history, and a report for all transactions was requested, we found that a CPF5004 message could be issued.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF855. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When I try to update an IP address from the On-Line Transaction Review, the command prompt comes up with an incorrect parameter value.
Also: Option 10 (the Executive Summary Report) on the INSTALL menu does not work.
Also: SafeNet/400 is generating errors when I use the new V 8.0 release of Showcase
on my System i.
All of these issues were reported by current customers. In the first case, a recent change to the IP address registration changed the needed parameter value. In the second case, the correct command needed to run the option was missing from the menu. In the Showcase issue, some changes were made to the Showcase exit point that have now been provided for by SafeNet/400.
A PTF correction is now available to address all of these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF854. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/400 is rejecting data queue server requests, but the object information appears to be missing.
We found that on some applications, the data queue server is now returning results with the object information left blank. We have updated the data queue server checking program so that it now passes these requests without posting an error code to the application.
A PTF correction is now available to fix this problem. It is in PTF package PCPTF853. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
A user profile is not showing up in the transaction history file.
Also: The Showcase exit point is not working following an upgrade to Showcase 8.0.
Both of these issues were reported by current customers. In the first case, when a user profile was coded with a value that was wholely contained by a super user profile, then the profile was getting treated as a super user. In the Showcase example, some changes were made to the Showcase exit point that have now been provided for by SafeNet/400.
A PTF correction is now available to address both of these issues. It is in PTF package PCPTF852. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When using the prompt to authorize a user for an SQL statement, sometimes
the wrong SQL statement is set up.
When authorizing SQL statements using the F7 option from the rejection display, we found that on some occasions, an incorrect SQL statement was getting added for the user. This is now corrected so that only the specific SQL statement is added.
A PTF correction is now available to for this problem. It is found in PTF package PCPTF850. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF. Note: This PTF also includes several new features. Please check the updates section of this website for more information.
An SQL request is being accepted even though the object permissions do
not permit it.
In the unusual situation where a *PUBLIC permission was given to all objects and permission at the individual profile level was restricted by an all object exclusion rule, we found that SQL was permitting the object access. This has now been corrected by processing the object level access permission in the correct sequence.
A PTF correction is now available to for this problem. It is found in PTF package PCPTF823. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The Security Report is showing rejections for objects in libraries QGY and
QSYS but the On-Line Transactions Tester shows them as being accepted.
We found a difference between the edit routine being used for the report and that used for the On-Line Tester. The On-Line Tester was correct. This was due to a policy change made for the remote command server to accept calls to these two libraries for iSeries Access processing.
A PTF correction is now available to for this problem. It is found in PTF package PCPTF822. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am getting rejections in SafeNet that should work on the DATAQSRV server.
The reason for rejection showing is "Rejected - Reason Unavailable".
Based on this customer's problem report, we found an issue that could cause this on an intermittent basis. It has now been corrected.
A PTF correction is now available to for this problem. It is found in PTF package PCPTF820. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Various Prolems including the following:
Object checking from the Showcase exit does not appear to be working correctly.
I am getting an MCH0603 when running the Print Object Useage Report.
When using the On-Line Transaction Tester, I'm having trouble finding my transaction.
Each of these issues were reported to us recently. For the Showcase error, we found that a parameter shift was happening with some calls from the Showcase exit program. We have now adjusted SafeNet/400 for this. For the MCH0603 error, we have changed the SQL parsing routine to prevent this from happening again. For the On-Line Transaction Tester, we have added time selection down to the millisecond level.
A PTF correction is now available to correct all of these issues. It is found in PTF package PCPTF819. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
I am seeing transactions recorded for a profile that is classified in
SafeNet/400 as a super-user.
When we implemented the super-user feature in SafeNet/400, we never imagined that the FTP server would be needed by a super-user profile. We have since learned from our customers that this is not the case and have now implemented the super-user code for the FTP server exit point.
This PTF also includes corrections for several other minor issues including the purge (when run on a system with date format *DMY), the group profile lookup function and the program that removed users from the SafeNet/400 rules files.
A PTF correction is now available to correct all of these issues. It is found in PTF package PCPTF818. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
When I run the purge process, it purges more than I requested.
For some customers who were submitting the purge directly to the job queue from a scheduler or from their own CL program, we found that the purge was purging all history up to the current day. This has now been corrected to use the submitted parameters. Purges run the from menu option were not affected and had been running correctly all along.
A PTF correction is now available to correct all of these issues. It is found in PTF package PCPTF817. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Error message MCH0603 is issued on SQL report.
We found that some customer SQL applications include bad characters in SQL strings that affect our SQL parsing process. We have now adjusted for this problem.
A PTF correction is now available to correct all of these issues. It is found in PTF package PCPTF816. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Variety of issues resolved - see details below.
The following issues were identified and have now been fixed for SafeNet/400 Release 8:
A PTF correction is now available to correct all of these issues. It is found in PTF package PCPTF815. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The PRTOBJUSG command is running to completion but not placing any
records in the *OUTFILE specified.
We found a problem with this processing under SafeNet/400 Release 8. It has now been fixed.
A PTF correction is now available to correct this problem. It is found in PTF package PCPTF813. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
Showcase is failing on my system.
A customer running SafeNet/400 Version 8 with Showcase 7.0 reported that sometimes their Showcase queries would fail because objects that were there could not be located. We have tracked the problem down to a library list specification change in Showcase. We have now modified our Showcase exit process to deal with this change so that this failure no longer happens.
A PTF correction is now available to correct this problem. It is found in PTF package PCPTF812. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
The Alert notification job is failing on my system.
We found that customers who were running their systems with a default date format of YMD were getting this error. It has now been corrected along with another minor issue with the level 5 reset program.
A PTF correction is now available to correct this problem. It is found in PTF package PCPTF811. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
SafeNet/400 appears to be holding a large number of file locks.
Based on a customer report, we found where files were being left open in SafeNet/400 under the new Version 8 code. This has now been fixed with a resulting improvement in performance. We have also corrected an issue with the Showcase exit point with this PTF.
A PTF correction is now available to correct this problem. It is found in PTF package PCPTF810. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.
We are seeing authority problems in some SafeNet/400 functions.
We found where these authority problems were being issued due to changes being made in the library list by certain SafeNet/400 routines. We have now modified the routines to make the library list changes using OS APIs and the authority problems have been resolved.
A PTF correction is now available to correct this problem. It is found in PTF package PCPTF809. E-mail us and request the PTF package. All prior PTFs must be installed prior to installing this PTF.