The following is a list of problems reported for iResetMe along with the solutions that we have developed for them. If you have a problem that is not covered here, ask us via E-mail and we'll address your problem.
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iResetMe Release Independent Problem Reports:
iResetMe Release 4 Problem Reports:
iResetMe Release 3 Problem Reports:
iResetMe Release 2 Problem Reports:
iResetMe Release 1 Problem Reports:
iResetMe Release Independent Problems:
While following the instructions to create the IRESETME digital certificate, I don't see a "Local Certificate Authority" to specify.
The IRESETME certificate must be associated with the Local Certificate Authority in DCM. If you don't see the Local Certificate Authority, it probably just needs to be enabled. Select the "Fast Path" in the list of options in the left hand panel in DCM, then select the "Work With CA Certificates". Check the list displayed for LOCAL_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY and make sure that it is enabled. Once this has been done, then you will be able to use it at step 4.3 on the user's guide when creating your IRESETME digital certificate.
If the above process does not resolve your issue, then you may need to create a Local Certificate Authority (CA) store using DCM. Here is a link to an IBM support page that will describe the process needed. When you open this page, click on all of the plus signs (+) to see the details for the procedure.
My test email is not going through - when I look in the joblog, I see "Command failed. reason -301 negative response from SMTP server .... Relaying blocked at this site.
This message indicates that the SMTP server on your system is set to disallow email relays. For iResetMe's email feature to work, this will have to be changed. The setting is conrolled by the ALWRLY parameter (Allow relayed mail) on the Change SMTP Attributes (CHGSMTPA) command. Prompt this command using the F4 key and roll up until you see this parameter.
(Note: Your user profile must have special authority *IOSYSCFG to use the CHGSMTPA command. We recommend that you make changes to this command from a profile that is a security officer.)
When you first check this setting, you will probably find the ALWRLY set to *NONE. This will stop all email from iResetMe from being sent. Changing this value to *ALL will allow mail to be sent, but it is not the best solution to enabling email. The preferred solution is to change this value to *LIST. This will restrict email relays to only those IP addresses that you specifically authorize.
Once you have relaying configured and have specified the *LIST setting, you will then have to update the SMTP list to indicate who can relay mail. This is done using the ADDSMTPLE (Add SMTP List Entry) command. There are a lot of options for this, but as a simple example let’s set up an entry that will permit mail to be relayed from your IBM i (iSeries, AS/400). If your system has an IP address of, then you would add a relay accept transaction that looks like the following:
This entry will accept all SMTP mail that is sourced from the specific IP address indicated in the INTNETADR parameter. The subnet mask used here is coded so that only the specific IP address will be processed. You can also use this command to post a *REJECT entry to the SMTP list to indicate specific IP addresses to be rejected. Varying the subnet mask can let you define ranges of IP addresses and if you need help on how to code these entries, feel free to contact us ( Once entries have been added to the SMTP list, you can delete them using the RMVSMTPLE (Remove SMTP List Entry) command. It would be nice if IBM provided a WRKSMTPLE command too, but the test system I work on has no sign of this feature.
After you get these changes made, you should end and then restart your SMTP server before testing for the results. Ending the SMTP server is done with the following command:
and restarting it is done with the following:
We are getting a warning message about the digital certificate from our browser session when connecting the iResetMe.
We have developed instructions for this issue. Please reference the following page. It will contains instructions for the FireFox browser (which is easy to use), Chrome and for Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE).
As we develop solutions for additional browsers, this page will be updated.
iResetMe Release 4 Problems:
The email text for a confirmation email is garbled for a user registered for Spanish Language.
We discovered a problem with the text being used that was causing the email text to get garbled. It has now bee fixed.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 4.06 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF406. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
An update confirmation shows that a password was changed, but the profile was just reset, not changed.
When a user profile was just reset, the confirmation panel in the browser session and the optional email confirmation text both were indicating that a password reset took place. We have now fixed this so that it confirms indicating that the profile was reset only.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 4.02 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF403. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
The remote password sync validation process is failing.
When this was reported to us, we discovered two potential issues that could cause this. First, the initial iResetMe documentation for Release 4 does not explain that the HTTPS parameter in the IRMSET command (option #9 on the INSTALL menu) must be set for the sync process to work. Check to make sure that this is set correctly according to existing documentation for that parameter.
The second potential problem that we discovered was a problem in our code that caused the sync validation to fail if the HTTPS parameter specified a numeric IP address. We have now fixed the problem and a numeric IP address can be used.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 4.01 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF402. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
iResetMe Release 3 Problems:
Profile Monitor re-engineered.
To simplify the Profile Monitor feature, it has been completely re-engineered. This redesign clears up a number of nagging issues with this feature.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 3.13 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF314. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
After starting the server instance with the Profile Monitor active, there is a job in the IRESETME subsystem that is using a lot of CPU%.
The job using too much CPU% is the Profile Monitor task. Under certain circumstances, it was going into a program loop. This has now been corrected.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 3.12 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF313. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
The Profile Monitor seems to have stopped working.
Based on a report from a customer, we found that under certain circumstances, the Profile Monitor was not working correctly. This has now been identified and corrected. Along with this fix, a problem with a cleanup routine for old data areas in the application library named IRMLIB has also been fixed.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 3.09 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF310. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
When using the Profile Monitor feature, the QSYSMSG message queue is locked.
The Profile Monitor feature has now been re-engineered to work without locking the QSYSMSG message queue. Concurrent with this change, we have also implemented new options on the server instance start and stop commands to make it easier to enforce the desired options by adding a global default setting.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 3.07 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF308. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
When purging the Activity Log, the last purge date is not logged.
We discovered that a recent change made to the software caused this feature to stop working correctly. It has now been restored and work correctly.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 3.06 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF307. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
We see a lot of data areas building up in the iResetMe application library.
While the buildup of data areas in the IRMLIB application library is not a problem of itself, it can lead to system degradation if the number of data areas becomes large. iResetMe has now been updated to automatically clean out old data areas that are no longer needed. This cleanup will happen once per day while the software is active and in use.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 3.02 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF303. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
iResetMe Release 2 Problems:
Some of the password rules appearing in the browser conflict with each other.
We discovered a problem with the control file for these descriptions. It has now been corrected.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.27 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF228. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
During a profile reset due to a network access issue, iResetMe requires a password change.
This process has now been changed so that the reset only option is presented when the IBM i profile is not disabled, only network access has been disabled. When the reset option is taken, network access will be restored without requiring a password change.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.26 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF227. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
When doing an initial end user registration, there is no graceful way to exit the process on the browser panel where the challenge questions are being asked.
A customer reported that when using the "Back" function in their browser at this point, a confusing error code is shown to the end user. We have now addressed this by adding a "Start Over" option on this panel.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.24 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF225. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
We are trying to start the IRESETME server instance with the monitor feature during the IPL startup, but it appears to get hung up.
A customer reported that when trying to use the STRIRMSVR command in their QSTRUP program specifying the monitor option as *YES, then the startup seemed to stop running when it hit that command. We have now identified this issue and corrected it.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.22 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF223. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
We are seeing a server instance task fail on a CPF3C17 error very intermittently, once every few months.
We found that certain other processes running on your system, typically a system save or a library backup, could easily interfere with certain aspects of the iResetMe server instance. We recommend that if you are running a system backup, then you shut down the IRESETME server instance before you start and then restart it when the save is finished.
To stop the server instance from generating a system operator error message, we have updated the iResetMe software to deal with the error code more gracefully. With this change, if a system process interrupts a browser session, the end user will be advised of the error and no operator error message will be generated. The end user will then be able to redo their process at a later time.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.21 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF222. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
A session failed with message code LNR7207 showing in the joblog.
A customer reported this to us. We discovered that under unusual circumstances, this could happen causing the reset session to pause until the error code is ignored. We have now corrected the problem that was causing this issue.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.16 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF217. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
We are seeing an occasional session failure with error code MCH1202.
We had one customer report this issue to us. It was happening during a time of very heavy new end-user enrollment and affected a small number of users. We have traced the problem and corrected it now.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.15 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF216. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
F9 Test Email function is failing.
When performing manual email address maintenance when running option #1 from the MASTER menu, there is an F9 function key that will let you send a test email to an email address. Due to changes in a recent PTF for iResetMe, this function key option was failing. It has now been fixed.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.14 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF215. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
A Spanish language user registered with 2 challenge questions, but when doing a reset, only one was requested.
We found that not all of the challenge questions were getting written to the internal responses file. This has now been corrected. Any previously registered Spanish language users should be re-enrolled following installation of this PTF or upgrade.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.12 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF213. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
I made changes to the list of questions, but the old questions still show from the browser session.
We found where the browser session could point to an old version of the question database file. This has now been corrected.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.09 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF210. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
Email messages from the Notification Monitor are sometimes blank.
We have now identified this problem and corrected it. For each instance of the monitor, the first email always came out correct but any subsequence email messages issued without a restart of the monitor would be blank.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.08 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF209. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
After upgrading to release 2.07, one of the browser panels displays some gibberish characters at the center of the display.
After investigating this, we found a place where a parameter length factor was specified incorrectly. It has now been corrected.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.07 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF208. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
When starting the Notification Monitor, it is failing right away with a CPF2451 error.
We found an unresolved message queue lock in the software that was causing this failure during monitor startup processing. This has now been fixed.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.02 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF203. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
We see a CPF2469 error in the HTTP server instance for IRESETME.
We have improved editing in the software now to make sure that valid user profiles are used in the IRMSET process (menu option #9 on the INSTALL menu) to avoid this issue in the future.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 2.01 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF202. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
iResetMe Release 1 Problems:
iResetMe reports that a profile is locked out, but I can still try to change the password.
When a password is still valid for a user registered and activated in iResetMe, the user can use the reset tool to change their password at any time. If they fail to answer the challenge questions for the allowed number of tries, they are advised that their profile has been locked out. When this feature was used on a password change when the current password is still valid, the lockout was not always honored in iResetMe. This has now been fixed.
This did not affect the lockout enforced on a disabled profile. That lockout has always worked as documented.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 1.07 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF108. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
Some user profiles not working in iResetMe web interface.
A customer with user profiles that contain special characters reported this problem. The special characters were getting translated into different special characters. This has now been fixed and special characters in the user profile are no longer an issue.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 1.06 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF107. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
The Activity Log sometimes shows a profile being enrolled twice within a few seconds.
We found that when a user profile was manually enrolled using the Work With User Enrollments function on the MASTER menu (option #1), sometimes the Activity Log could show the profile being enrolled twice. This has now been fixed.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 1.03 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF104. E-mail us and request the PTF package.
The browser session fails when a bad user profile is entered.
This has now been fixed to correctly issue an appropriate error message to the user.
The fix for this problem is available as a PTF. This PTF can only be installed on a Release 1.01 version of iResetMe. The correction is available in PTF package IRPTF102. E-mail us and request the PTF package.